
Bitcoin HDWallet Command Line Tool in Python

Primary LanguagePython


PyKeyTree is a python implementation of KeyTree. PyKeyTree requires the python ecdsa module. You can install it by doing pip install ecdsa.

How to use:

The input seed is coverted to hex before it used as the master seed, or you can also use the --seedhex option to enter the seed in hex directly. Extended Keys can be in hex or base58. Examples below.

To use KeyTree simply do the following:
Enter Seed:
correct horse battery staple
Enter Chain:
Use the BIP39 option to check if the seed/mnemonic conforms to bip39 rules:
./kt.py --bip39
Enter Seed:
pilot dolphin motion portion survey sock turkey afford destroy knee sock sibling
Enter Chain:
Use the hex option to enter the seed in hex:
./kt.py --seedhex 
Enter Seed in Hex:
Enter Chain:
Use the hash seed option to do a number of specific rounds of sha256 on your seed. If the bip39 option is used hash seed option will be ignored:
./kt.py --seedhex --hashseed
Enter Seed in Hex:
Enter Chain:
Enter number of rounds of Sha256 hash:
Use the generate BIP39 mnemonic option to generate a mnemonic using os.urandom:
./kt.py --generateBIP39mnemonic
./kt.py -gbip39m
Use the extended key option to enter the extended key in lieu of the seed:
./kt.py --extkey 
./kt.py -ek 
It is also possible to print multiple chain paths together:
./kt.py -ek
Enter Extended Key:
Enter Chain:
To print data on all the nodes in the chain, use the all option:
./kt.py --all
./kt.py -a
It is also possible to print data on the nodes in a different order:
./kt.py --traverse levelorder
./kt.py -sh -trav postorder
./kt.py -ek -trav preorder
For more information on each node use the verbose option:
./kt.py --verbose
./kt.py -v
There is also the testnet option:
./kt.py --testnet
./kt.py -tn
Use the no echo option to not echo your inputs:
./kt.py --noecho
./kt.py -ne
To run unit tests do the following:
./kt.py --runtests
./kt.py -rt
You can specify all options at once with the no prompt option. But it is discouraged because on most OS commands are stored in a history file:
./kt.py --noprompt -s "this is a password" --chain "(0-1)'/(6-8)'" -trav levelorder
./kt.py -np -s "this is a password" -c "(0-1)'/(6-8)'" -hs 3 -v
./kt.py -np --extkey xprv9uHRZZhk6KAJC1avXpDAp4MDc3sQKNxDiPvvkX8Br5ngLNv1TxvUxt4cV1rGL5hj6KCesnDYUhd7oWgT11eZG7XnxHrnYeSvkzY7d2bhkJ7 -c "(0-1)'/8"
./kt.py -np --b39 -s "pilot dolphin motion portion survey sock turkey afford destroy knee sock sibling" -c "44'/0'/(0-1)'/(0-1)/0"
./kt.py -np -sh 936ae011512b96e7ce3ff05d464e3801834d023249baabfebfe13e593dc33610ea68279c271df6bab7cfbea8bbcf470e050fe6589f552f7e1f6c80432c7bcc57 -c "44'/0'/(0-1)'/(0-1)/0"
For more information on how to use KeyTree do:
./kt.py --help
./kt.py -h