
Example typescript library

Primary LanguageTypeScript

My Simple TypeScript example library

Code based off of https://www.tsmean.com/articles/how-to-write-a-typescript-library/ and and associated GIT code at https://github.com/bersling/typescript-library-starter.

Also see
https://www.tsmean.com/articles/how-to-write-a-typescript-library/ and code at https://github.com/bersling/typescript-library-starter

Developer Notes

You can download this

git clone git@github.com:steranka/mytslib.git

Compile the library, and transpile code to "lib" directory.

npm run build
ls lib

Run the test cases

npm run test

Publish the package to npm

npm login
npm publish --access public

Using the library

This library can be used importing it as follows

const { sum } = require('@pats2265/mytslib)
console.log('sum(1,2) is ' + sum(1,2));
output ==> sum(1,2) is 3

See full example at examples/usemytslib-node