
Motius MEAN stack test project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MEAN Stack Test Project put's together full stack SPA application.

What is included

  • almost full MEAN stack (I do not know Angular yet, so I did the frontend in React)
  • /api endpoints with full CRUD (/api/usecases and /api/usecase/:usecase_id)
  • single page application build using React+Webpack
  • dynamic url routing
  • very simple styling using sass
  • some Material design UI elements (first try for me)

What is not

  • handling of Milestones, I would need more time
  • no tests :( I would love to talk about it, use some Mocha+Chai or nightmarejs
  • some code is really awful, I would love to discuss possible improvements
  • no deployment support

Setup and running

$ git clone git@github.com:stereoit/motius-interview.git
$ cd motius-interview
$ yarn install # or npm i
$ bower i
$ npm run build
$ docker-compose up
# in another window run seed the initial data (see bellow)
$ env PORT=8080 node server.js
$ google-chrome localhost:8080


Docker runs the full stack, namely mongodb and later our app as well. Server part do two things, serves the /api endpoint and serves the /index.html with static files. Frontend is Webpack compiled React (I do not know Angular now) + React routing for other urls. Stylesheets are SASS compiled with Gulp.

Seeding initial data

In order to populate the MongoDB instance, run those two commands once the docker-compose is up

$ docker cp Specification/Usecasedata.json mot-db:/
$ docker exec mot-db mongoimport  --db test --collection usecases  --type json  --file /Usecasedata.json --jsonArray