
C# API for the ZED SDK

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Stereolabs.Net - C#/.NET API

This package lets you use the ZED stereo camera in C#. The C# API is a wrapper around the ZED SDK which is written in C++ optimized code. We make the ZED SDK accessible from external C# code.

Getting started


  • Windows 10 64bits or later
  • Visual Studio 2017 with C# extensions
  • Cmake 3.23 at least
  • C wrapper of the ZED SDK
  • ZED SDK 4.2.0 and its dependency (CUDA)

From NuGet

The C# API is available as a Nuget Package on Nuget.org.

Package Description Link
Stereolabs.zed .NET Wrapper that imports the functions from the interface NuGet version

Add the package to your Project

To add a NuGet pacakge to your project, please follow this documentation.

From Sources

It is also possible to build the wrapper from the sources. The C# wrapper made of two libraries :

  • The C# wrapper called Stereolabs.zed.dll. It defines all the functions of the ZED SDK in C#.
  • The C wrapper called zed-c-api. This native dll binds all the C# functions to the ZED SDK (written in C++). This wrapper is available here : https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-c-api

Build the C# wrapper

  • Open cmake-gui.

  • In “Where is the source code“, enter the path of the project folder where the CMakeLists.txt is located.

  • In “Where to build the binaries“, enter the previous path and add: /build.

  • Click on [Configure].

  • A dialog window asks you if CMake can create the “build” folder. Say yes.

  • Another dialog window will ask you to specify a generator for your project. Choose Visual Studio in Win64 and click on [Finish].

  • CMake may take a few seconds to configure the project.

  • Click on [Generate] to build the Visual Studio project files.

  • CMake has now generated your project in the build directory. You can directly open the solution by clicking on [Open Project] or by closing the cmake-gui window and opening the build folder.

  • A Visual Studio solution has been generated. Open Stereolabs.ZED.sln and set it in Release mode.

Build the C wrapper

The Csharp wrapper is using the C wrapper to interface with the ZED SDK. Therefore, you also need to build it following the same step as before.

Add the wrapper to your Project

  • Open yourproject in Visual studio
  • Right click on your project in the Solution Window and select Add -> Project Reference.
  • Click on Browse and select the Stereolabs.ZED.dll you just created before. Add it in your project.
  • For the moment you also need to manually copy the c wrapper (sl_zed_c.dll) at the same location, in yourproject.


Here is an example of the .NET API.

using System.Numerics;

namespace sl
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create the camera
            Camera zedCamera = new Camera(0);
            // Create default configuration parameters
            InitParameters init_params = new InitParameters();
            ERROR_CODE err = zedCamera.Open(ref init_params);
            if (err != ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

            // Get camera information (serial number)
            int zed_serial = zedCamera.GetZEDSerialNumber();
            Console.WriteLine("Hello! This is my serial number: " + zed_serial);



If you need assistance go to our Community site at https://community.stereolabs.com/