
GPU available

alexismurari opened this issue · 4 comments

Does this program auto-detects and use all GPUs available?

If not how to enable the use of 2 GPUs?

Thank you!

It's using only 1 GPU by default.

You could assign one GPU to the ZED SDK and another one to OpenPose.

  1. For the ZED SDK add an init parameter such as initParameters.sdk_gpu_id=0 here

  2. For Openpose change the FLAGS_num_gpu_start parameter here

Thank you for you quick reply.

This works however I would require to use the most out of both of my GPUs. Both of my GPUs have 8GB of VRAM, this solution only allows me to use 9GB/16.

Is there any other alternative I could use?

Thank you for your help and time.

I am not sure to understand is this for the zed-openpose program?

Sorry - I answered on the wrong issue