
Warning to reduce frame rate

ashBabu opened this issue · 9 comments

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Same issue as #555. Elaboration takes longer (0.0236713 sec) than requested by the FPS rate (0.016666667 sec). Please consider to lower the 'frame_rate' setting or to reduce the power requirements reducing the resolutions. No RViz. No changes in anything. Just cloned the repos. The output of jetson clock is as follows

SOC family:tegra234  Machine:Jetson AGX Orin
Online CPUs: 0-11
cpu0: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2035200 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu1: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu10: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu11: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu2: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2188800 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu3: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2188800 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu4: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu5: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu6: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu7: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu8: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
cpu9: Online=1 Governor=schedutil MinFreq=729600 MaxFreq=2201600 CurrentFreq=2201600 IdleStates: WFI=1 c7=1 
GPU MinFreq=306000000 MaxFreq=1300500000 CurrentFreq=1300500000
EMC MinFreq=204000000 MaxFreq=3199000000 CurrentFreq=3199000000 FreqOverride=0
DLA0_CORE:   Online=1 MinFreq=0 MaxFreq=1600000000 CurrentFreq=1600000000
DLA0_FALCON: Online=1 MinFreq=0 MaxFreq=844800000 CurrentFreq=844800000
DLA1_CORE:   Online=1 MinFreq=0 MaxFreq=1600000000 CurrentFreq=1600000000
DLA1_FALCON: Online=1 MinFreq=0 MaxFreq=844800000 CurrentFreq=844800000
PVA0_VPS0: Online=1 MinFreq=0 MaxFreq=1152000000 CurrentFreq=1152000000
PVA0_AXI:  Online=1 MinFreq=0 MaxFreq=832000000 CurrentFreq=832000000
FAN Dynamic Speed control=active hwmon2_pwm=93
NV Power Mode: MAXN

Steps to Reproduce

roslaunch zed_wrapper zedxm.launch.

Expected Result

No Warning msg ``Elaboration takes longer (0.0236713 sec) than requested by the FPS rate (0.016666667 sec). Please consider to lower the 'frame_rate' setting or to reduce the power requirements reducing the resolutions.`

Actual Result

Produces a warniing

ZED Camera model

ZED Mini


Nvidia jetson AGX Orin 
ZedX mini camera

Anything else?

The camera model is not mentioned in the dropdown

Same issue here

Elaboration takes longer (0.0713881 sec) than requested by the FPS rate (0.066666667 sec). Please consider to lower the 'frame_rate' setting or to reduce the power requirements reducing the resolutions.

I am running on noetic version with a Jetson Xavier NX and just updated zed SDK to 4.0.3.

Already tweaked some frame rate for the image and pointcloud topics, but still cannot lower the grab_frame_rate which is making the warning appear. Part of the configuration is:

[ INFO] [1685819787.121696150]: SDK version : 4.0.3
[ INFO] [1685819787.121839860]: *** GENERAL PARAMETERS ***
[ INFO] [1685819787.124554904]:  * Camera Model by param        -> zed2
[ INFO] [1685819787.126946975]:  * Camera Name                  -> zed
[ INFO] [1685819787.129841345]:  * Camera Resolution            -> HD720
[ WARN] [1685819787.132781122]: Wrong FrameRate (5) for the resolution HD720. Set to 15 FPS.
[ INFO] [1685819787.132966688]:  * Camera Grab Framerate        -> 15
[ INFO] [1685819787.411921729]:  * [DYN] Depth confidence       -> 50
[ INFO] [1685819787.414487462]:  * [DYN] Depth texture conf.    -> 100
[ INFO] [1685819787.416456177]:  * [DYN] pub_frame_rate         -> 5 Hz
[ INFO] [1685819787.419451986]:  * [DYN] point_cloud_freq       -> 5 Hz

My guess is that if I could drop it, the whole nodelet consumption would be much lower. For my usecase I guess 5hz would be enough for camera topics.

Any chance to do some of these configuration changes apply?

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Just wanted to know if there a prevision to check this case?

Myzhar commented

We are working on improving this behavior at SDK level

Noticed this reduce frame rate warning yesterday as well. Also, running roslaunch zed_wrapper zedxm.launch with the Jetson Orin AGX and a ZED X Mini. On ZED Firmware 2001, ZED SDK 4.0.1.