
rostopic image error!!!

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Thank you for your open source work. It's great. I encountered a problem using:
I set the resolution of zed2i.yaml to H2K
But the ROSTOPIC echo output is:
< Frame_ Id: "zed2i_right_camera_optical_frame"
Height: 621
Width: 1104
Encoding: "bgra8"
Is_ Bigendian: 0
Step: 4416
Data: "<array type: uint8, length: 2742336>

Why wouldn't the width and height of an image be 1280x720??
I use the zed-sdk API to read 1280x720? It's very strange, how should I set up Rotopic to output 1280x720 images??


ow should I set up Rotopic to output 1280x720 images??

Anything else?

No response

In the common.yaml file you can set the img_downsample_factor to 1.0 to match the resolution you want. This parameter rescales the output image before publishing it on ROS topics.

You can refer to this page to check the expected resolutions.


Hello, In the common.yaml file you can set the img_downsample_factor to 1.0 to match the resolution you want. This parameter rescales the output image before publishing it on ROS topics.

You can refer to this page to check the expected resolutions.

Regards, Patrick

Thank you very much for your feedback. The problem has been resolved