
Running octomap_server with ZED Mini doesn't show anything.

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  • This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues.
  • This issue is not a question, feature request, or anything other than a bug report directly related to this project.


Hello everyone,

I am a newbie at 3D mapping, and trying to use octomap with ZED Mini for path-planning applications with mobile robots. Utilizing ROS Noetic (Ubuntu 20), my launch file is simple:

<!--Running an Octomap server -->
  <node pkg="octomap_server" type="octomap_server_node" name="octomap_server">
      <param name="resolution" value="0.1" />
      <!-- fixed map frame  -->
      <param name="frame_id" type="string" value="/zed/zed_node/odom" />

      <param name="base_frame " type="string" value="base_link" />
      <!-- maximum range to integrate -->
      <param name="sensor_model/max_range" value="5.0" />
      <!-- data source to integrate (PointCloud2) -->
      <remap from="cloud_in" to="/zed/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered" />


I found this issue #465 , but in my case it didn't help...

After I run RViz, I can only see /zed/zed_node/point_cloud/cloud_registered topic with point cloud, but NOT MarkerArray (/occupied_cells_vis_array), Map (/projected_map), or /octomap_binary.

What am I doing wrong?

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install ZED SDK and ROS dependencies
  2. Run `roslaunch zed_wrapper zedm.launch' in Terminal 1
  3. Run 'roslaunch octomap_server octomap_zed.launch` in Terminal 2
  4. Open RViz

Expected Result

Expect to see a voxel map

Actual Result

Empty (only point_clouds from original topic)

ZED Camera model

ZED Mini


Ubuntu 20
ROS Noetic

Anything else?

Thanks a lot in advance!

My bad, param frame_id was wrong:
<param name="frame_id" type="string" value="map" />