
ZED ros wrapper really slow on orin nano!

Closed this issue · 3 comments

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I am running the zed ros wrapper on HD720 mode and ive set it to 60 FPS.

The output of rostopic hz /zed2i/zed_node/right/image_rect_color is only 14FPS.
The pixel resolution from numpy also is showing 360 x 640. Jetson orin nano is set on the max power mode 15W

I am sending the ros message down a long range ethernet. any leads on how to speed this would be appreciated.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. as described above


Expected Result

i expected the rostopic hz to show close to 60FPS atleast.

Actual Result

14FPS for the topics

ZED Camera model



OS:UBuntu 20.04
Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano
Jetpack 5.1.1

Anything else?

No response

Hi @aravi-2001
did you run the jetson_clocks script to get the maximum performance from your Orin Nano?
Are you using NEURAL depth or other depth modes?

Yes i did run the jetson_clocks script.
And yes the depth mode is Neural

And yes the depth mode is Neural

14 Hz is the expected frequency for the NEURAL depth mode on Orin Nano. NEURAL depth mode uses AI to extract the depth map and the processing is highly demanding.