
movie poster database with web interface written in Clojure and ClojureScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Techniposter is a movie poster database with a web interface that I created for an university course (lab) on functional programming. This exploratorive project is mostly written using Clojure. The backend with an HTTP API uses the luminus framework, while the frontend is a React app written in ClojureScript with the re-frame framkework.

techniposter frontend list view techniposter frontend detail view


The movie poster data (movie metadata and links to poster images) was sourced from TMBd's API. The data is saved in a H2 in-memory database. API endpoints were created with the help of Swagger, which includes a neat web interface to test and debug endpoints.


For the frontend, which is a single page application, the re-frame framework is used. It utilizes the reagent React wrapper, thus React components can be defined and constructed using the functional capabilities of ClojureScript.