
Web portal for Voynich Studies Cologne, a collection of videos about the Voynich Mansucript by University of Cologne students and staff

Primary LanguageCSS


This project is hosted at https://voynichsc.uni-koeln.de/

This is the repository for the web portal of Voynich Studies Cologne (VoynichSC), a collection of videos about the Voynich Mansucript by University Of Cologne students and staff.


The VoynichSC portal is a static website that is generated with the 11ty satatic site generator.



Content is represented in markdown format:

  • topic pages in src/pages/
  • home page: src/index.md

Media files

  • videos: src/media/videos video files are not tracked in this repository

Build static files

Requirements: node and npm

  • install dependencies: run npm install
  • Build files: run npx @11ty/eleventy.
  • For development, running npx @11ty/eleventy --serve also starts a local development server with hot reloading that can be reached at http://localhost:8080


Copy the built static files from dist into the webroot of the server.