
Add classes, identifiers and attributes to your markdown with {} curly brackets, similar to pandoc's header attributes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Add attributes, IDs and classes to Markdown.


This is some text.
<p class='center'>This is some text.</p>


const md = require('markdown-it')
  .use(require('markdown-it-decorate'), opts)

Annotating elements

Create an HTML comment in the format <!-- {...} -->, where ... can be a .class, #id, key=attr or a combination of any of them. Be sure to render markdownIt with html: true to enable parsing of <!--{comments}-->.

It will be applied to the deepest thing it's seen; ie, a blockquote containing a bold link (> **[link]**) will style the innermost element: the link.

You can put the comment in the same line or in the next. I recommend keeping it on a separate line, since this will make GitHub ignore it.


Source Output
Text <!-- {.center} --> <p class='center'>Text</p>
# Hola <!-- {.center.red} --> <h1 class='center red'>Hola</h1>
# Hola <!-- {#top .hide} --> <h1 id='top' class='hide'>Hola</h1>
# Hola <!-- {data-show="true"} --> <h1 data-show='true'>Hola</h1>
![Image](img.jpg)<!-- {width=20} --> <img src='img.jpg' alt='Image' width='20'>


Annotations will apply itself to the deepest element preceding it. In the case below, .wide will be applied to the link ("Next").

> This is a blockquote
> * It has a list.
> * You can specify tag names. [Next](#next)
> <!-- {.wide} -->

Specifying elements

To make it apply to a different element, precede your annotations with the tag name followed by a :.

> * It has a list.
> * You can specify tag names. [Next](#next) <!-- {li:.wide} -->


You can combine them as you need. In this example, the link gets .button, the list item gets .wide, and the blockquote gets .bordered.

> * [Continue](#continue)
<!-- {a:.button} -->
<!-- {li:.wide} -->
<!-- {blockquote:.bordered} -->
<blockquote class="bordered">
    <li class="wide">
      <a href="#continue" class="button">Continue</a>

Selecting same names

To go back to previous parent with the same name, add ^n after the tag name, where n is how many levels deep to go back to. Using ^0 is the same as not specifying it at all. (This convention is taken from gitrevisions.)

> > > targets 3rd quote <!--{blockquote:.wide}-->
> > > targets 2nd quote <!--{blockquote^1:.wide}-->
> > > targets 1st quote <!--{blockquote^2:.wide}-->

Decorating code blocks

You can decorate fenced code blocks. Indented code blocks are not supported, unfortunately.

return true
<!-- {code: .lang-javascript} -->

Prior art

  • This is initially based off of arve0/markdown-it-attrs which uses text to annotate blocks (eg, {.class #id}). markdown-it-attr's approach was based off of Pandoc's header attributes.

  • Maruku (Ruby Markdown parser) also allows for block-level attributes and classnames with its meta-data syntax. The syntax is similar to PanDoc's syntax ({: .class #id}).

  • Kramdown (Ruby markdown parser) also supports the same syntax, also with a colon ({: .class #id}).


markdown-it-decorate is inspired by the design of those features and improves on them:

  • Elements are marked via HTML comments; they'll be invisible to other Markdown parsers like GitHub's.
  • It supports inline elements in addition to block elements.


markdown-it-decorate © 2015+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors (list).

ricostacruz.com  ·  GitHub @rstacruz  ·  Twitter @rstacruz