Generate Verilog from Chisel

Setup Chisel

  • Install Java 11 JDK. On Ubuntu, for example, this can be done by:

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
  • Install SBT (Scala Build Tool) by following the instructions at:

(On Ubuntu, follow the instructions under "Linux (deb)")

  • Download firtool and put it somewhere on your PATH:

On Ubuntu, download firtool from:

Extract and put it, for example, at ~/.local/bin/

wget firrtl-bin-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz
tar xvf firrtl-bin-ubuntu-20.04.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
mv firtool-1.43.0/bin/firtool ~/.local/bin/

Generate Verilog

From chisel-tutorial

sbt 'runMain axi.Emit'
sbt 'runMain project.memset.Emit'

Now the out/ subdirectory should contain the files RegFile.v and Memset.v

Generate Project

~/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.2/bin/vivado -mode batch -source tcl/create_memset_project.tcl -tclargs xilinx/memset_1

(Replace 2023.2 with your version of Vivado. )

It should generate a vivado project under xilinx/memset_1 and start Vivado when done.

Generate a bitstream

Genearte the bitstream. Once finished, copy the files into the device:


Setup the device

Follow the instructions at

  • docs/
  • docs/

Then copy chisel-tutorial.tgz into the device

scp chisel-tutorial.tgz xilinx@

And from the device

tar xvf chisel-tutorial.tgz

Copy the bitstream to the device

scp xilinx/memset_1/memset_1.runs/impl_1/design_1_wrapper.bit xilinx@
xilinx/memset_1/memset_1.gen/sources_1/bd/design_1/hw_handoff/design_1.hwh xilinx@

Then from the device

cd chisel-tutorial/py