
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


pyzz is a python interface for ABC/ZZ


First import the pyzz module

import pyzz

The main classes in the module are:

  • Netlist - an AIG.
  • Wire - a (possibly) complemented AIG node.
  • Solver - a SAT solver and a CNF generator combined in one
  • Unroll - unrolls a sequential AIG
  • WWMap - maps Wire objects to Wires, handling complemented Wire objects correctly.


The netlist class represents an AIG. It can be created from an AIGER file

N = pyzz.netlist.read_aiger('some_aiger_file.aig')

created from scratch

N = pyzz.netlist()

or copied from a previously created Netlist

M, xlat = N.copy()

the mapping between the old and the new netlists is stored in xlat

The netlist can be saved back into a file


These methods create new wires

  • N.add_PI() returns a new PI
  • N.add_PO(fanin=None) returns a new PO. If fanin is specified, it is used as the fanin or the PO
  • N.add_Flop(init=None) returns a new Flop. If init is specified it is used as the initial value of the Flop

The constant true wire is returned by calling


These methods return information about the AIG

  • N.n_PIs(), N.n_POs(), N.n_Flops(), N.n_Ands(): return the number of PIs, POs, Flops, and And gates, respectively
  • N.get_PIs(), N.get_POs(), N.get_Flops(), N.get_Ands(): return an iterator over the PIs, POs, Flops, and And gates, respectively

Properties are constrains are (possibly complemented) wires.

The properties and constraints can be accessed by

  • N.n_properties(), N.get_properties(): returns an iterator over the properties
  • N.n_constrains(), N.get_constraints(): returns an iterator over the constrains

The properties and constraints can be modified by

  • N.clear_properties(), N.clear_constraints()
  • N.add_property(), N.add_property()


A wire represents a, possibly complemented, AIG node.

  • ~w: returns the complement of a wire
  • +w: returns the non-complemented version of a wire
  • w.sign(): returns whether the wire is complemented
  • w1 & w2: returns the AND of two wires
  • w1 | w2: returns the OR of two wires
  • w1 ^ w2: returns the XOR of two wires
  • w1.implies(w2): returns a wire that is true if w1 implies w2
  • w1.equals(w2): returns a wire that is true if w1 equals w2
  • w_if.ite(w_then, w_else): returns the ITE of the three wires

A wire can be queries to see what type of node it represents

  • w.is_PI(): returns true if the wire is a PI
  • w.is_PO(): returns true if the wire is a PO
  • w.is_Flop(): returns true if the wire is a Flop
  • w.is_And(): returns true if the wire is an AND gate

If the wire is an AND gate, accessing its fanins is done by

  • w[0]: returns the left fanin
  • w[1]: returns the right fanin

I the wire is a PO, its fanin in can be accessed using

  • w[0]: returns the fanin of the PO
  • w[0]=u: sets the fanin of the PO
  • w[0]^sign(w): return the fanin of the PO with the correct polarity (e.g. if w may be negated)

If the wire is a Flop, its next-state function can accessed using

  • w[0]: returns the next-state function of the Flop
  • w[0]=u: sets the next-state function of the Flop
  • w[0]^sign(w): return the fanin of the Flop with the correct polarity (e.g. if w may be negated)


A Solver object combines a SAT solver and a CNF generator. It can handle wires directly--the cone of the wires is then converted into CNF.

A solver is construct over a netlist:

S = pyzz.solver(N)

A SAT query is done by using the solve method

res = S.solve()

the solve method can be given assumptions

res = S.solve( wassumption1, wassumption2, ... )

The result of the solve method can be one of

  • pyzz.netlist.UNSAT: the query was UNSAT
  • pyzz.netlist.SAT: the query was SAT
  • pyzz.netlist.UNKNOWN: the query was terminated due to timeout
  • pyzz.netlist.ERROR: the query was terminated due to error

If the result is SAT, the values of the CEX can be queries by

v = S[w]

The result of the result can be one of

  • pyzz.netlist.l_True: the value of w in the satisfying assignment is true
  • pyzz.netlist.l_False: the value of w in the satisfying assignment is false
  • pyzz.netlist.l_Unknown: the value of w in the satisfying assignment is not specified (e.g. the wire was not in the cone of the query)

Additional constraints can be added to the solver

  • S.clause( wires ): adds the clause wires to the solver
  • S.cube( wires ): adds the cube wires to the solver (the same as adding each wire as a unit clause)
  • S.implication( w1, w2 ): adds w1 implies w2 to the solver
  • S.equivalence( w1, w2 ): adds thew1 iff w2 to the solver


The Unroll object unrolls a netlist in time.

The unroll object is created over a netlist

U = pyzz.unroll(N)

By default, the Flops are initialized in the first frame. It can be modified to implement algorithms that requires that (e.g. inductive step)

U = pyzz.unroll(N, init=False)

The unroll object has two data members

  • U.N: the netlist to be unrolled
  • U.F: the unrolled netlist (F stands for frames)

To unroll a wire use

fw = U[w,i]

fw is a wire in U.F that represents w at time i. If w is a sequence of wires, then fw is a sequence of wires.

When a wire is unrolled, all of its cone is unrolled as required to represent w at time i.

To check if a wire is already unrolled to a specific time

is_unrolled = (w,i) in U:

The number of unrolled frames (for the wire that is unrolled the most) can be checked using



Boolean operation over a more than two wire:

  • pyzz.conjunction(N, wires): returns the conjunction of all the wires in wires
  • pyzz.disjunction(N, wires): returns the conjunction of all the wires in wires
  • pyzz.equals(N, wires1, wires2): retuns a wire that is true if the values of the wires in wires1 equals the respective values in wires2

Functions for compositions:

  • pyzz.copy_cone(N_src, N_dst, wires, stop_at={}): copies the cone of wires from the source to the destination netlist. stop_at is a mapping from nodes in the source netlist to the destination netlist. If during the traversal of the source netlist a wire in stop_at is encountered, it is replaced by the wire it is mapped to.
  • pyzz.combine_cones(N1, N2, ...): copies the netlists N1, N2, ... into a new netlist N and return N, (xlat1, xlat2, ...) where xlat1, xlat2,... map from N1 to N, etc.


A simple example that writes an AIG with to PIs, and the PO is the AND of these two PIs:

from pyzz import *

N = netlist() # construct a netlist

w1 = N.add_PI() # create a new PI
w2 = N.add_PI() # create a new PI

po1 = N.add_PO() # create a new PO
po1[0] = w1 & w2 # set the fanin of the PO to w1&w2

po2 = N.add_PO(fanin=w1&w2) # similar to above, but sets the fanin during construction


Another example, but this time using utility functions:

from pyzz import *

N = netlist() # construct a netlist

wires = [ N.add_PI() for _ in xrange(10) ] # create 10 new PIs

po2 = N.add_PO(fanin=conjunction(N, wires)) # creates a new PO whose fanin is the conjunction of all the PIs


A simple combinational equivalence checker:

def build_miters(N1, N2):

    N, (xlat1, xlat2) = pyzz.combine_cones(N1, N2)

    N1_pos = [ xlat1[po[0]] for po in N1.get_POs() ]
    N2_pos = [ xlat2[po[0]] for po in N2.get_POs() ]

    return N, [ f1^f2 for f1, f2 in zip(N1_pos, N2_pos) ]

def CEC(N1, N2):

    # build miters for the POs
    N, miters = build_miters(N1, N2)

    S = pyzz.solver(N)

    for i, f in enumerate(miters):

        rc = S.solve(f)

        if rc==pyzz.solver.UNSAT:
            print 'Output %d is equivalent'%i
        elif rc==pyzz.solver.SAT:
            print 'Output %d is not equivalent'%i
            print 'Could not prove output %d'%i

A simple BMC

def bmc(N, max):

    # create an unroll object with the Flops initialized in the first frame
    U = unroll(N, init=True)

    # create a solver of the unrolled netlist
    S = solver(U.F)

    prop = conjunction( N, N.get_properties() ) # conjunction of the properties
    constr = N.get_constraints() # constraints

    for i in xrange(max):
        print "Frame:", i

        fprop = U[prop, i] # unroll prop to frame i
        S.cube( U[constr, i] ) # unroll the constraits to frame i

        rc = S.solve( ~fprop ) # run the solver

        if rc == solver.SAT:
            print "SAT"
            return solver.SAT

    print "UNDEF"
    return solver.UNDEF