
J. Campbell's monomyth beats as seen in `Dredd` (2012)

Dredd (2012) as Campbell's "Hero's Journey"

Dredd (2012)

Star Wars is a typical example, but let's look at 2012's Dredd starring Karl Urban and Olivia Thirlby.

(Note: Descriptions of the Monomyth beats are quoted more or less verbatim from changingminds.org)

See: http://changingminds.org/disciplines/storytelling/plots/hero_journey/hero_journey.htm

I. Separation / departure

The first section of the story is about the separation of the hero from the normal world. Separation has symbolic echo of infant transition away from the mother and so has a scary feel to it.

I.1 The Call to Adventure

The hero starts off in a mundane situation of normality from which some information is received that acts as a clarion call to down tool, take up sword and head off into the unknown.

After a routine traffic stop in Megacity-1, Judge Dredd is called back to Headquarters.

I.2 Refusal of the Call

The hero, hearing the call to adventure, initially may hesitate, reluctant to leave the comfort and tasks of everyday existence. Perhaps they are afraid of what may happen to them. Perhaps they do not see the call as important, being more engrossed in their current activity. Perhaps they have responsibilities and do not want to leave their family.

Dredd is informed he is to take marginal Judge candidate Cassandra Anderson out for formal evaluation. Upon learning that Anderson was already three points below failing during her training he does not believe this will be a productive venture.

I.2.1 Acceptance of the Call

After having perhaps first refused to accept the Call to Adventure, the hero finally accedes, realizing ther is nobody else who is better qualified to or available to accept responsibility.

Judge Dredd agrees to take Anderson out for formal evaluation.

I.3 Supernatural Aid

Some help is given to the hero, sufficient to make them wiser and stronger and hopefully better able to face the challenges of the adventure.

Judge-candidate Anderson is the most powerful psychic the Judges have ever seen. Despite her inexperience, and marginal performance in training, she is the supernatural aid that will help Judge Dredd face the coming adventure, but he doesn't realize this yet.

Act I: Inciting incident

Three small-time narcotics dealers are killed in a gruesome public way inside the Peach Trees block. By dumb luck, Anderson chooses this as she and Dredd's destination.

I.4 Crossing of the first Threshold

The crossing of the threshold is the point of no return as the hero sets out on the journey.

Dredd and Anderson cross the threshold of Peach Tree apartment's blast door, without full recognizing this as a point of no return.

Start of Act II: Major Plot Point

Ma-Ma seals the block, with the Judges inside after they apprehend one of her gang-members in what initially appears to be a routine bust.

I.5 Entering the Belly of the Whale

The hero enters the zone of danger. This may start immediately after the first threshold or may require some travel

The Judges are trapped inside Peach Trees with no way out and no apparent help. The stakes are raised for Dredd and Anderson.

II. Initiation

In the main part of the story the hero is initiated into true heroic stature by various trials and rites. Through daring and battle, the true character emerges.

(Note: from this point forward most of the monomyth 'beats' relate to Judge- candidate Anderson, not so much Dredd, who's character growth is more subtle).

II.1 Road of Trials

Have left home, the pathwat to and through the adventure now lies ahead for the hero. Each trial may be more difficult than the last as the hero grows in confidence and capability. The road is not all battle and the hero may well find moments of respite along the way as well as gathering information, weapons, and useful allies and party members, particularly as a reward for overcoming each trial.

Dredd and Anderson make their way up the block, encountering the Ma-Ma clan at every turn and being betrayed by apparent allies (Medi-center attendant) and helped by surprising ones: the woman in the apartment. Things get worse when they are trapped on a particular level and Ma-Ma has her gang bring out machine guns to cheddarize the whole block, but there is a moment of respite when Dredd and Anderson make their way to the outdoor skate-park and later to the schoolroom, where they interrogate their prisoner.

II.2 The Meeting with the Goddess

On the road the hero may meet a powerful female figure with whom he finds unity and bonding of some kind. The goddess may be a mystical or supernatural being or she may be an ordinary woman with whom the hero gains support and syngergy.

Dredd finds synergy with Anderson beginning at the pay off point for 'You look ready.' exchange and culminating in Anderson leading him out of the computer control center on the 200th floor, after asserting her right to dispense justice as she sees fit for the remainder of her time as a Judge. Also Anderson saves Dredd's life, so there's that too.

II.3 Woman as Temptress

Along the way, the hero may meet temptation, often in female form The purpose of the temptress is to test the hero.

In a bit of an inversion, Judge Anderson is the one who is tempted by the prisoner in a series of psychic and verbal exchanges culminating in her defeat of this tempter and increasing her confidence in her self.

Start Act III Major Plot Point(s)

Ma-Ma calls 911, bringing in corrupt Judges, Anderson is captured.

II.4 Atonement with the Father

The hero may come up against a 'father figure' who must be beaten, persuaded, or whose approval must be achieved in some way. Ultimately, by whatever means, the difficult relationship between the two must be reconciled.

This aspect of the mono-myth is Judge Anderson's half of Dredd's 'Meeting with the Goddess'. Anderson earns a working respect with her evaluator Dredd, beginning at the pay off point for the 'You look ready.' exchange and culminating in her assertion of her right to dispense justice as she see fit as a Judge. She leads Dredd out of the computer control room and into Ma-Ma's secure bunker as an equal.

II.5 Apotheosis

After trials such as resisting Woman as Temptress and the reconciliation of Atonement with the Father, the hero transcends, acheiving a higher place.

Judge Anderson's moment of Apotheosis occurs when she tricks Ma-Ma's thug into trying to use her Judge's Law-giver gun which explodes, killing him, due to it's DNA check. This occurs actually prior to Atonement with the Father and is the change in herself that allows her reconciliation with Judge Dredd to occur.

II.6 The Ultimate Boon

Eventually through the many trials, the goal of the journey is achieve. This is the ultimate boon.

Ma-Ma is defeated, the Peach Trees are unsealed, the heros exit the block.

III.1 Refusal of the Return

Having gained the Ultimate Boon, the hero wants to stay in the place where they have found bliss and enlightenemnt. In comparison, the dull monotony of 'normal life' seems unacceptable, make the hero re-live the excitement in some way.

This is slightly inverted: Anderson hands over her badge to Dredd, certain she has failed to become a Judge due to her 'picking up the automatic fail' for losing her Law-giver weapon, and storms away visibly upset that she must give up her dream to do some good in Megacity-1.

III.2 Magic Flight

The hero hurries home with the treasure that has been gained in the Ultimate Boon.

As the Peach Trees blast-doors open Dredd and Anderson are met by rescue personal and others from the Hall of Justice.

III.3 Rescue from Without

The hero is rescued from a final plight from an unexpected source.

Judge Dredd, in a change of heart, tells the chief that Anderson passed her evaluation.

III.4 Crossing of the Return Threshold

At last, the hero returns to home turf, where they are safe from further pursuit or woes. Crossing of the threshold may not be an easy task, as on last challenge may face the hero. This may range from on last fight with a foe though vanquished.

Dredd doesn't actually have this in as clear a way as other films, it could be argued that Ma-Ma's heartbeat linked bomb, is an aspect of this. But I think a better beat is the chief's request that Dredd render Anderson's evaluation: For Dredd he must confront whether he has learned anything about strict legalism vs mercy in rendering his judgement and for Anderson it is quite literally, her last battle in the fight to become a Judge.

III.5 Master of the Two Worlds

Having completed the journey out and back in, the hero is now master of both the domestic and alien worlds and can pass over the threshold between the two without further trail.

Anderson has become Judge Anderson. We see her crossing the 'threshold' of the gates of the Hall of Justice on her way out on patrol, holding her helmet in her hands (as opposed to wearing it) futher reflecting her mastery of the dual worlds in which she inhabits: psychic and Judge.

III.6 Freedom to Live

At last, having conquered the demons without and within, the hero has earned the right to live life as they choose.

Anderson has become a Judge capable of doing some good for the daily-stricken inhabitants of Megacity-1. Dredd has learned something of mercy and friendship through this harrowing adventure with Anderson and has become ever so slightly less legalistic.