
Combining the simplicity and power of AngularJS and Meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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This github is mainly for angular1-meteor, please comes here for angular2-meteor.

The power of Meteor and the simplicity and eco-system of AngularJS


Getting started with Angular Meteor

Getting started tutorial


Meteor Project

  1. Install Meteor $ curl https://install.meteor.com | /bin/sh
  2. Create a new meteor app using $ meteor create myapp or navigate to the root of your existing app
  3. Remove unneeded packages $ meteor remove blaze-html-templates ecmascript
  4. Install Angular and Angular Meteor $ meteor npm install --save angular angular-meteor
  5. Add compiler packages $ meteor add angular-templates pbastowski:angular-babel

Meteor client side - with Bower

Use Meteor as a service in your existing non Meteor angular application

  1. Install meteor-client-side $ bower install meteor-client-side
  2. Install angular-meteor $ bower install angular-meteor


Please read the contributing instructions at the contributing page.


Go to the official docs


This project started as ngMeteor, a pre-0.9 meteorite package. Since then a lot has changed but that was the main base.

Also, a lot of features were inspired by @superchris's angular-meteor fork of ngMeteor