
This decision-support-tool is a tool for social workers in Amsterdam who support families with complex problems. The tool helps the social workers with making an indication about the chance that a child has to be separated from the parents.

screencapture of the application

This application is built during a two week frontend application course in association with Garage2020. During this course, the focus was on improving the concept of the already existing application made by Garage2020 and building a new prototype using a framework. This application is built with a framework called Ember. Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript web framework.

Good to know: ⚠️ This app is still in progress, so some things may not work like you would expect them to work.


  • Data can be read and changed
  • Changes to data are reflected in the interface

To do:

  • Changes persist across page reloads
  • Values are based on the real algorithm
  • Risc-taxation can be saved and printed
  • ...

Functionalities are based on the rubric of the frontend course.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone this repository
  • cd decision-support-tool
  • npm install

Running / Development

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

My process during the course

Before this course I have never worked with a big framework like Ember. So, when choosing a framework, I looked for a framework that was doable to learn and had good documentation.

Ember creates a lot of files and directories when you create a new application. In the beginning, I felt a little overwhelmed by all those files. But by following the tutorial and by building the application I found what all the different files and directories did.

In think that Ember is great for starting a small and simple application and slightly growing to a more complex application.

While using Ember I learnt the basics of this framework. I used components and templates, etc. I think that Ember has a lot of functionalities that I have not discovered yet. These functionalities can make building an application easier.

Pro’s & Cons of Ember

😃 Good documentation on Ember.js

😃 Nice tutorial from Ember for learning and understanding the basics of this framework.

😃 You can start coding quickly

😞 A lot of files and directory’s can make you feel lost sometimes

😞 Writing tests takes a lot of time and effort.

😞 When you don’t write a test you can get a lot of errors while starting the server