
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Decodes austrian signed invoices

Deploy to surge


Visit https://bonreader.surge.sh/ to decode your invoice qr code.

Test stage

Visit https://bonreadertest.surge.sh/ for the bleeding latest test build.

History of app

Some time ago, when there was no pwa technology available I wrote a hybrid app, that did the same thing, ... load the apk https://github.com/Codeuctivity/BonReaderIonic/releases/tag/untagged-27a26f16f1740450369a.

What helped me to get started


I failed to get multi camera support working using react-qr-reader and gave ZXing a try.

https://www.npmjs.com/package/@zxing/browser https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60989962/video-output-not-changed-when-changing-source-in-zxing-js-library

Build dev time

npm start

Explorative testing

https://github.com/Fenrirthviti/obs-virtual-cam/releases is great help to get virtual video inputs. Don't forget to restart your browser after installing.