
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/kigang

Primary LanguageC#



Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/kigang

done by Ambrosch K.,Brandstetter S., David V., Deinhofer M., Kainz H., Kouida E., Reichl K., Remsak G., Reyländer S., Riemann K., Seeland S., Stephani M.

This prototype worked out the idea of giving an patient objective feedback when repeating some recorded motion.

Watch the demovideo http://kigang.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Kigang/KigangDemoWithExplanationtext.wmv

Possible Usecases: Motion/Training is recorded under proovment of physican and patient repeats this action at home while kigang validates his movemant against the recorded session. Kigang shows in realtime which joint does not fit in the threshold of the recorded session so the patiant can adapt or at least knows that the training has to be diskussed with its physican.

This version is not intended to be used at patients! This is just a prototype showing that technology is mature.

Dependencies: .net 4.0 Kinect SDK (Beta1 or 2 - Version 1.0 Breaks the implementation) http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/kinectforwindows/develop/beta.aspx EntityFramework? 4.1 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/ef.aspx Some MS-Sql Server.
