
A library that provides an in-memory Kafka instance to run your ScalaTest specs against.

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


A library that provides an in-memory Kafka broker to run your ScalaTest specs against. It uses Kafka and ZooKeeper 3.4.6.

Inspired by https://github.com/chbatey/kafka-unit

How to use

scalatest-embedded-kafka is available on Bintray and Maven Central, compiled for both Scala 2.10 and 2.11

  • In your build.sbt file add the following dependency: "net.manub" %% "scalatest-embedded-kafka" % "0.4.3" % "test"

  • Have your Spec extend the EmbeddedKafka trait.

  • Enclose the code that needs a running instance of Kafka within the withRunningKafka closure.

      class MySpec extends WordSpec with EmbeddedKafka {
      "runs with embedded kafka" should {
          withRunningKafka {
              // ... code goes here
  • In-memory Zookeeper and Kafka will be instantiated respectively on port 6000 and 6001 and automatically shutdown at the end of the test.

Use without the withRunningKafka method

A EmbeddedKafka companion object is provided for usage without the EmbeddedKafka trait. Zookeeper and Kafka can be started an stopped in a programmatic way.

    class MySpec extends WordSpec {

    "runs with embedded kafka" should {
        // ... code goes here

Please note that in order to avoid Kafka instances not shutting down properly, it's recommended to call EmbeddedKafka.stop() in a after block or in a similar teardown logic.


It's possible to change the ports on which Zookeeper and Kafka are started by providing an implicit EmbeddedKafkaConfig

    class MySpec extends WordSpec with EmbeddedKafka {

    "runs with embedded kafka on a specific port" should {

        implicit val config = EmbeddedKafkaConfig(kafkaPort = 12345)

        withRunningKafka {
            // now a kafka broker is listening on port 12345

This works for both withRunningKafka and EmbeddedKafka.start()

Utility methods

The EmbeddedKafka trait provides also some utility methods to interact with the embedded kafka, in order to set preconditions or verifications in your specs:

    def publishToKafka(topic: String, message: String): Unit
    def consumeFirstMessageFrom(topic: String): String

Custom producers

It is possible to create producers for custom types in two ways:

  • Using the syntax aKafkaProducer thatSerializesValuesWith classOf[Serializer[V]]. This will return a KafkaProducer[String, V]
  • Using the syntax aKafkaProducer[V]. This will return a KafkaProducer[String, V], using an implicit Serializer[V].

For more information about how to use the utility methods, you can either look at the Scaladocs or at the tests of this project.



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