
A simple setup for containerization of services used for Laravel projects.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


This is just a small set of configuration files used for building a development environment useful for Laravel projects. Feel free to also use this for your non-Laravel projects.

Installation instructions:

  • Open your prefered shell and navigate to your desired project's root.
  • Initialize a git submodule pointing to this repo: git submodule add git@github.com:stevanpavlovic/laravel-docker.git docker. You can use any folder name you like, instead of using docker.
  • Change your directory to docker: cd docker/.
  • Copy the example environment configuration file to the actual one (cp .env.example .env) and set up your instance-specific details.
  • Run docker-compose up -d

Now you can:

  • Access your web app at http://{COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}.{NGINX_SERVER_PORT}/.
  • Access your phpmyadmin app at http://{COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}.{PHPMYADMIN_SERVER_PORT}/.
  • Run your PHP related commands (inside of the docker/ directory) by using this kind of signature: docker-compose exec app php artisan help.
  • Run your Yarn related commands (inside of the docker/ directory) by using this kind of signature: docker-compose run yarn install.