
Chronosaurus: A student-focused time tracking app using CAVET Stack (CosmosDB, ASP.NET, Vue, Entity Framework, Tailwind UI). Track study time, set goals, and optimize productivity.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Chronosaurus is a powerful time tracking application tailored specifically for students to enhance their study habits and optimize their productivity. This repository contains the source code and implementation of Chronosaurus, developed using the CAVET Stack (CosmosDB, ASP.NET, Vue, Entity Framework, and Tailwind UI).


  • Task-Based Time Tracking: Easily create and manage study tasks or subjects, allowing students to track the time spent on each task individually.
  • Weekly Study Goals: Set personalized study time goals for each task, empowering students to strive for consistent progress.
  • Study Session Timer: A built-in timer enables precise tracking of study sessions, associated with specific tasks, to monitor study time accurately.
  • Progress Visualization: Visual representations, such as charts and graphs, provide a comprehensive overview of students' study time progress throughout the week.
  • Notifications and Reminders: Customizable reminders keep students on track, ensuring they adhere to their study schedule and goals.
  • Weekly Study Summaries: Generate detailed reports summarizing study time, average study durations, and a comparison against set study goals.
  • Insights and Analytics: Gain valuable insights into study habits, including productive study times, average durations, and subject-specific patterns.
  • Gamification and Rewards: Implement gamification elements, such as study streaks and rewards, to make studying engaging and motivating.
  • Study Notes and Attachments: Attach relevant study notes, files, or resources to tasks, keeping all study materials organized within the application.
  • Study Groups and Collaboration: Foster collaboration among students by forming study groups, sharing tasks, and tracking group study time collectively.

Technology Stack

This project utilizes the CAVET Stack, which consists of CosmosDB, ASP.NET, Vue, Entity Framework, and Tailwind UI.

  • CosmosDB: A flexible NoSQL database to store and manage time entries efficiently.
  • ASP.NET: A robust web framework for building secure and scalable server-side applications.
  • Vue: A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces with a reactive and component-based approach.
  • Entity Framework: An object-relational mapper that simplifies database interactions and data modeling.
  • Tailwind UI: A utility-first CSS framework for quickly creating responsive and modern user interfaces.

Getting Started

To get started with Chronosaurus, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/steve-warren/chronosaurus.git
  2. Set up the backend using ASP.NET and Entity Framework.
  3. Configure and connect CosmosDB as the database.
  4. Set up the frontend using Vue.js and Tailwind UI.
  5. Customize the application according to your specific requirements.
  6. Build and deploy the application to your desired environment. 7. Start tracking your study time effectively and achieving your study goals!

For detailed instructions on setting up and configuring Chronosaurus, please refer to the installation guide.


We welcome contributions to enhance Chronosaurus and make it even more valuable for students. To contribute, please follow our contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute Chronosaurus in accordance with the terms of the license.

Happy studying and time tracking with Chronosaurus!