- 4
- 0
this library support redis sentinel?
#111 opened by albenfan - 0
i think the lock here is superfluous
#110 opened by tweyseo - 0
rediscluster.lua:276: init_slots(): failed to create lock in initialization slot cache: dictionary not found
#106 opened by matianhe3 - 3
- 3
Connecting to Aws Elastic cache - redis (Cluster enabled) configuration end point
#92 opened by AnoopPutta - 8
rediscluster.lua:416: in function 'get'
#39 opened by m198799 - 0
Construct slot_ cache exception
#105 opened by pzhx521 - 0
- 0
#99 opened by ztgoto - 1
serv_list 不支持主机名或者域名
#87 opened by OIUE - 2
redis cluster connection failure
#98 opened by fatihbm - 0
- 1
- 1
pool name can not specified
#94 opened by shuxiao9058 - 2
- 1
- 0
Long connection timeouts to redis cluster
#84 opened by NivLipetz - 1
- 0
- 6
- 0
- 1
how to get all keys
#76 opened by firstgitaccount - 3
redis_slot.c missing from repo
#75 opened by ledzepp4eva - 9
#48 opened by liangwangkai - 1
release a new tag?
#72 opened by membphis - 0
Performance problem of set
#71 opened by longdidis - 14
Error getting slots when a node is down
#58 opened by i2dcarrasco - 2
code style: naming convention
#66 opened by vinayakhulawale - 4
Why not use set_timeouts(connect_timeout, send_timeout, read_timeout) of lua-resty-redis?
#63 opened by snpcp - 2
Library is not in central LuaRocks repository
#38 opened by artomal - 3
- 11
- 2
Database select
#57 opened by i2dcarrasco - 3
attempt to call method 'cluster' (a nil value)
#53 opened by SeauWong - 2
redis_client:set_timeout error
#52 opened by Toifyx - 2
redis_cluster_slot_locks what size to set ?
#51 opened by Toifyx - 12
#27 opened by manpeter - 2
cmd 'evalsha' assigned to wrong slot?
#43 opened by finn0 - 0
- 4
Duplicate data is inserted
#42 opened by ljs528 - 1
采用的lapis框架,为什么报错,openresty 1.15.x
#40 opened by sixtool - 1
Why did he connect to the docker network
#41 opened by ljs528 - 1
set weight to different server
#35 opened by l36t - 2
What will occur if not close redis?
#33 opened by l36t - 1
error require redis
#34 opened by shuxiao9058 - 0
- 8
Custom commands for redis
#29 opened by AlexProfi - 1
- 4
Only ET_DYN and ET_EXEC can be loaded
#31 opened by mayamoon