
CQLReplicator is a migration tool that helps to replicate data to Amazon Keyspaces

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The aim of this project is to assist customers is seamlessly migrating from self-managed Cassandra to Amazon Keyspaces, ensuring zero downtime. This means that customers can replicate their existing Cassandra workload in to Amazon Keyspaces, without needing to make any changes to their client-side code or using proxies.


Customers have the flexibility to scale the migration workload by deploying multiple instances of CQLReplicator. Each instance of CQLReplicator is a java process responsible for handling specific token range (tile). In the event of a CQLReplicator failure, customers can simply restart the migration process from the point where it was interrupted by restarting the failed CQLReplicator instances.


List any prerequisites needed to run CQLReplicator, such as:

  • AWS account
  • Docker
  • ECS Copilot CLI
  • Gradle 7.4.2

Getting Started

Set up and deploy CQLReplicator using AWS ECS Copilot. Include the following steps:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/cql-replicator
  2. Navigate into the project directory:

    cd cql-replicator

    Create a S3 bucket cqlreplicator. The bucket stores the artifacts: config.properties, KeyspacesConnector.conf, and CassandraConnector.conf e.g, s3:/bucketname/keyspace_name/table_name

    export CQLR_BUCKET_NAME=cqlreplicator #S3 Bucket to store the artifacts
    export CQLR_KS_NAME=ks_test_cql_replicator #S3 prefix for the keyspace name
    export CQLR_TBL_NAME=test_cql_replicator #S3 prefix for the table name
  3. Build CQLReplicator:

    gradle build
    gradle task deploy
  4. Initialize the ECS Copilot environment: Configure the required resources, such as VPC, S3 buckets etc., using the prompts provided by the copilot init command.

    copilot app init cql-replicator
  5. Configure CQLReplicator:

    • Configure the source and target tables in config.properties
    • Configure migrated columns in config.properties
    • Configure write time of regular columns to detect updates in the source table in config.properties
    • Configure connectivity to the source Cassandra cluster CassandraConnector.conf
    • Configure connectivity to the target Keyspaces table KeyspacesConnector.conf
    • Copy all artifacts to s3://your-bucket-name/keyspacename/tablename
  6. Deploy the CQLReplicator cluster: Initiate and deploy the service, and the test environment,

    copilot svc init --name cql-replicator-service
    copilot env init --name test
    copilot env deploy --name test
    copilot svc deploy --name cql-replicator-service --env test


CQLReplicator will immediately start replicating the Cassandra workload when all ECS tasks are running. Before restarting or updating the ECS tasks delete tiles with the locking files from s3://bucket/keyspace_name/table_name.

Define the number of tiles

One CQLReplicator can handle up to 1M primary keys, if you want to handle over 1M please scale up ECS tasks.

You can avoid high ECS costs by replicating the historical workload with AWS Glue and after enable ENABLE_REPLICATION_POINT to handle only new workload after specific timestamp.

Restarting the ECS cluster

After restarting the ECS cluster, the CQLReplicator instances will start replicating from a scratch. To void losing previously replicated workload you might use two workarounds:

  • Use Amazon EFS instead of ephemeral storage in manifest.yml e.g,
         efs: true
         path: /var/efs
         read_only: false
    and set LOCAL_STORAGE_PATH to /var/efs in config.properties
  • Set ENABLE_REPLICATION_POINT to true and STARTING_REPLICATION_TIMESTAMP to the most recent timestamp in config.properties.

Avoid the high CPU utilization of the Cassandra cluster

CQLReplicator might add a CPU overhead due to pooling data periodically.If the CPU utilization is over 70% you can increase POOLING_PERIOD from 1 second to a higher value and scale down the CQLReplicator instances by reducing REPLICATE_WITH_CORE_POOL_SIZE and REPLICATE_WITH_MAX_CORE_POOL_SIZE and decrease the number of CPUs per ECS task. Finally, you might deploy another Cassandra DC to shift your migration workload to it.


CQLReplicator doesn't support replication of counters


Delete the CQLReplicator ECS cluster:

copilot svc delete --name cql-replicator-service  
copilot app delete --name cql-replicator

Run one CQLReplicator instance locally (only for testing purposes)

java -XX:+UseShenandoahGC --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED \
     -Dlogback.configurationFile=/path-to-logback/logback.xml \
     -cp CQLReplicator-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.amazon.aws.cqlreplicator.Starter --tile 0 --tiles 1 \
     --pathToConfig /path-to-conf/conf


This tool licensed under the Apache-2 License. See the LICENSE file.