
Source control for CS 510/410 Team: Extreme Programming

Primary LanguageC#

NOTE: This was a team project for CS410/510 Agile & Other XP Software.

There were major disagreements amongst the team. The primary focus of this class was to learn Agile software development, but yet we failed to produce a single unit test. Actually there is one unit test here and one here.

I said to my team members that it would be better implement just a single function with 10 unit tests, rather than turn in a fully functioning project, and the professor agreed. I did get an A in the class and learned a lot, however.


Source control for CS 510/410 Team: Agile/Extreme Programming Devan Cakebread Steve Braich Patrick Overton Barend Venter Victor Ochia

This is a basic FTP client as a class project supporting: Remote Server Operations:

  1. Login to Remote Server
  2. Get a File or Files
  3. Put a File or Files
  4. Create Directory
  5. Delete Directory
  6. Search for Files
  7. Rename File
  8. Change permissions on File
  9. Calculate the difference between the local and remote
  10. Copy directory
  11. Timeout connection after idle time

Local Machine Operations:

  1. List files and directories
  2. Rename file
  3. Search for Files
  4. Resume failed transfer
  5. Log transfer history

The FTP client uses a database of saved connection information to securely remember connections made by previous users.