
Uses Apple Notification Center to provide the hangout link for an upcoming meeting.

Primary LanguageRuby


hangout-alert - Uses Apple Notification Center to provide the hangout link for an upcoming meeting. Original idea by Muness as documented on his blog.


hangout-alert If you subscribe to a Google calendar using Apple's Calendar app, you know that hangout links will not show up a meeting request. So even though Calendar will remind you of the meeting, you have to log into Google calendar to find the link. That's where hangout-alert comes in. This script uses gcalci to grab your agenda for the day and then uses terminal-notifier to generate an Apple notification that presents the hangout link in the "show" button. Simple click that button and join the hangout.


  1. Install gcalci
  2. Authorize gcalci by launching it
  3. Install terminal-notifier
  4. Clone this repo, tweak to your liking, and copy hangout-alert.rb to /some/path/hangout-alert
  5. Setup a cron job to run the script (e.g. 13,28,43,58 8-18 * * * /some/path/hangout-alert)

In my example cron job in step 4 I'm running the script every day from 8am to 6pm, 2 minutes before the quarter hour. The idea is that most meetings will start on a quarter hour, and the 10 minute default alert I get from Calendar is generally to far in advance. So following that up with an alert that provides the link just 2 minutes before the meeting works well for me.