
Benchmarking and profiling tools for Neovim plugins

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Benchmarking and profiling tools for Neovim plugins


This API is not stable and can change at any time. It is recommended to pin to a commit until the 1.0 release.

Check out the examples/ to see how to use benchmark.nvim.

If you want to see how benchmark.nvim can be incorporated into your own repo to run benchmarks or do profiling, check out how oil.nvim does it.



Sandbox the neovim environment to a temporary directory


Reset neovim buffers and windows


Clone a plugin and add it to the runtimepath

Param Type Desc
path string Path of github plugin (e.g. "stevearc/oil.nvim") or full url

avg(nums, opts)

avg(nums, opts): integer
Calculate the average of a list of numbers

Param Type Desc
nums number[]
opts nil|{trim_outliers?: integer}

std_dev(nums, opts)

std_dev(nums, opts): number
Calculate the standard deviation of a list of numbers

Param Type Desc
nums number[]
opts nil|{trim_outliers?: integer}

run(opts, func, done)

run(opts, func, done)
Run a function multiple times and collect the timing information

Param Type Desc
opts benchmark.RunOpts
>title nil|string Title to display in the UI
>iterations nil|integer Number of times to run the function
>warm_up nil|integer Number of warm-up iterations
>before nil|fun() A function to be run before each iteration
>after nil|fun() A function to be run after each iteration
func fun(callback: fun()) The function to benchmark. Must call the callback when done.
done fun(times_ns: integer[]) The function to call when all iterations are done


format_time(ns): string
Convert a raw nanosecond value to a human readable string

Param Type Desc
ns integer


jit_profile(opts): fun()
A thin wrapper around the LuaJIT profiler

Param Type Desc
opts nil|benchmark.JitProfileOpts
>flags nil|string See https://luajit.org/ext_profiler.html (default "3Fpli1s")
>filename nil|string Filename to write the profile to


Type Desc
fun() stop Call this function to stop the profiler


flame_profile(opts): fun(), fun(callback?: fun())
Create a profile in the chrome trace format. Call this BEFORE requiring any modules.

Param Type Desc
opts nil|benchmark.FlameProfileOpts
>pattern nil|string Glob pattern to match modules to profile (e.g. "oil*")
>filename nil|string Filename to write the profile to


Type Desc
fun() start Call this function to start the profiler
fun(callback?: fun()) stop Call this function to stop the profiler