Convert GreenSock SVG Timeline Animations to GIF


Convert GreenSock SVG Timeline Animations to GIF


  • Add SVG2GIF.min.js to your project using a normal JavaScript script tag.
  • SVG2GIF renders SVG animations animated inline with GreenSock TimelineMax.
  • You must add a class name to the SVG tag you want to convert.
  • If you don't already, you should create a main timeline and add all and any of your timelines to it
  • Ensure that repeat:0 is set on your timelines so that it plays only once
  • In the vars for the main parent timeline add in SVG2GIF:true - this notifies SVG2GIF that this is the timeline you wish to render. E.g. var mainTl = new TimelineMax({repeat:0, SVG2GIF:true});

SVG2GIF uses the following libraries


  • See it in action on CodePen here
  • Demo video on YouTube