
Scala wrapper to Google Cloud Datastore operations

Primary LanguageScala

gcp-scala-datastore is a simple wrapper library for Google Cloud Datastore.

The library provides asynchronous API and supports the following types of fields in model classes:

  • Byte
  • Int
  • Long
  • Float
  • Double
  • String
  • Boolean
  • java.util.Date
  • com.google.cloud.datastore.DateTime
  • com.google.cloud.datastore.LatLng
  • com.google.cloud.datastore.Blob

Usage of the gcp-scala-datastore

To be stored in Cloud Datastore a model class must inherit io.applicative.datastore.BaseEntity and must have id field of type Long or String.

import io.applicative.datastore.{BaseEntity, DatastoreService}
import io.applicative.datastore.query._

import scala.concurrent.Future

// Sample model class
case class Item(id: Long, name: String, price: Double, size: Int, brand: Option[String]) extends BaseEntity

val item = Item(1, "foo", 20.0, 2, None)

// Save

// Save with autogenerated id
for {
  key <- DatastoreService.newKey[Item]()
  user <- DatastoreService.add[Item](Item(key.id.get, "foo", 20.0, 2, None))
} yield user

// Update
DatastoreService.update[Item](item.copy(brand = Some("bar")))

// Delete

// Get one by id

// or
select[Item] asSingle

// Select
val items: Future[List[Item]] = select[Item] where "size" |>| 23 and "price" |<=| 200.2 ascOrderBy "size" descOrderBy "price" asList
val items2: Future[List[Item]] = select[Item]
                                  .where("size" |>| 23)
                                  .and("price" |<| 200.2)
val singleItem: Future[Option[Item]] = select[Item] where "name" |==| "foo" asSingle


By default, Cloud Datastore automatically predefines an index for each property of each entity kind(see https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/indexes for more details).
If you want to exclude any of your properties from the indexes, just add the annotation @excludeFromIndexes.

import io.applicative.datastore.BaseEntity
import io.applicative.datastore.util.reflection.excludeFromIndexes

case class Item(id: Long, name: String, price: Double, size: Int, brand: Option[String], @excludeFromIndexes description: String) extends BaseEntity

Installation using sbt

In order to install this package you will need set an extra resolver in build.sbt:

resolvers ++= Seq(
  "applctv-bintray" at "https://dl.bintray.com/applctv/gcp-scala-datastore/"

And then you can add it as a normal sbt dependency:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "io.applicative" %% "datastore-scala-wrapper" % "1.0-rc8"