- 4
Support for mongoid 5
#36 opened by sivagollapalli - 3
Travis not enabled
#34 opened by piotr-sokolowski - 4
Non-web transactions
#31 opened by ashrestha91 - 1
Order of gems in gem file
#14 opened by msaspence - 2
- 7
Support for mongoid 4
#27 opened by sahin - 7
- 1
[Question] Does this gem support Mongoid 4?
#23 opened by shaneog - 2
Add GET_MORE to find operations
#24 opened by alt- - 2
"Time consumption by caller" not working?
#19 opened by levity - 5
Logged queries are incomplete
#9 opened by DouweM - 1
- 4
Only in web transactions view?
#6 opened by levity - 1
MAPREDUCE being ignored?
#15 opened by gingerlime - 3