
A collection of notes from studying big data.

Primary LanguagePython

Notes on Big Data

Relational Databases and MySQL

MapReduce Hadoop

Natural Join with MapReduce

Frequent Itemsets for Mining Data

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Matrix-Vector Multiplication with MapReduce

What is Big Data?

As of 2015, there is no formal definition for the term "Big Data." This tends to cause a good deal of confusion, while at the same time presenting an exciting new field. Some may be lead to believe they are working with big data when they are using small data.

We find a similar issue with the term "green" used in the field of sustainability, and which also lacks any standard definition. And as with something claimed as being green, big data may also be subject to the equivalent of greenwashing, where organizations may use it solely as a buzz word.

The Common Definition of Big Data

Volume, Velocity, Variety (The Three V's)

As described by Doug Laney in a 2001 article.

  1. Volume: data is too big to work with on a single machine.
  2. Velocity: data is too dynamic and being created at too high of a rate (e.g. tweets per second) for a single machine to handle.
  3. Variety: (e.g. unstructured data, NoSQL databases, etc)

The first two points are relative to processing power and the latest technology in personal computing, the absolute volume or velocity that may identify Big Data will increase over time. And so this definition of Big Data is fluid and influenced by Moore's Law.

If you have all three cases, you are dealing with big data under this common definition. If you have only one case, it is likely you are still dealing with big data.

Examples having an instance of only one of the three V's:

Case Example
Volume Genetics (structured, high volume of data)
Velocity Earthquake detection data (e.g. streaming data, not necessarily stored)
Variety Facial recognition data (may be static)

Small Data vs Big Data

As described by Jules Berman in Principles of Big Data.

Small Data Big Data
Gathered for a specific goal May or may not have a goal initially, or may change with time
Exists in one location, often in a single file Can be in multiple files and across multiple machines in different geographic locations
Highly structured (e.g. spreadsheet, csv) May be unstructured, in a variety of different formats, and multi-disicplinary
Prepared by end user for own purposes May be prepared by one group, analyzed by a second, and used by third group
Kept for a finite time frame for project with clear endpoint (maybe 5 or 10 years in government or academia) May keep data indefinitely or with uncertain lifespan
Data measured or recorded with a single protocol and units Data may be collected using a variety of protocols and units throughout different geographical regions
Can typically be reproduced May not be reproducible
Cost of failure or losing data is small Cost of failure or losing data can be high
Data describes itself in an important way May have to clean data thoroughly and filter out bogus information
Can analyze all the data at once from a single file or machine May have to deal with portions of data and aggregate results

Sources of Data

  • Human: data initiated by a human such as social network posts, cell phone calls, online purchases, and the metadata created alongside such data.
  • Machine: communication between machines that may never be seen by humans (e.g. internet of things)

What is Data Science?



Harlan Harris’s clustering and visualization of subfields of data science from Analyzing the Analyzers (O’Reilly) by Harlan Harris, Sean Murphy, and Marck Vaisman based on a survey of several hundred data science practitioners in mid-2012