Simple budget app for people who just need help living paycheck to paycheck.

Getting started

Setting up the project environment and build process

after docker and heroku have been installed

  • git clone
  • cd paycheck2paycheck
  • heroku container:login
  • heroku create creates a project (Ex. Creating app... done, ⬢ gentle-woodland-60237)
  • heroku container:push web --app gentle-woodland-60237 pass the app name from above to this command
  • heroku container:release web --app gentle-woodland-60237
  • heroku open --app gentle-woodland-60237

running project locally

docker-compose up --build runs the docker-compose.yml in project root.
This will install node_modules for both client and server in the docker image only. No need to manually install node_modules.


recipe for post data

  • app.use(express.json())
  • content-type →application/json;
  • in postman: set body to raw/JSON

helpful links