Dev Fams, eyyyy !!

To run the project, please folllow these steps:

$ git clone
$ cd fullstack_rumi_web_app
$ git branch dev
$ git checkout dev
$ git pull origin dev
$ npm start

For Linux or Mac, you might need to use sudo

$ sudo npm start

If all is successful, it should be available at your localhost on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080/).

Dev mode: Keep both backend and frontend on. Backend, in "fullstack_rumi_web_app" folder:(localhost:8080)

$ node server.js

Frontend, in "rumiFrontend" folder:(localhost:4200)

$ ng serve

Ready to test your awesome code?

$ ng build

Then, check it at http://localhost:8080/.

Rumi Web App:

This project is a personal reciept manager web app: It supports:

  1. Encrypted login/register for each user(bcrypt hash and salt password). After logged in, generate a token and save it to the local storage.
  2. Friend lookup(angular pipe filter).
  3. Friend edition, deletion and insertion by sending http put, delete, post request in authservice.
  4. Auto update the friend list(asynchronous).
  5. View recent logged in, bills.
  6. Change your password, edit the bills.
  7. Download the app.

This project utilizes the MEAN stack: MongoDB(mLab), Express, Angular5, and NodeJS.

Run the Project!

To run the project, you have to first clone it:

$ git clone

After cloning, make sure you have Nodejs and Angular5 installed, cd into the project directory.

$ cd fullstack_rumi

Run the project!

$ npm install
$ npm start
$ node server.js
$ nodemon server.js

Or:(this is what the npm start will do)

$ npm install
$ cd rumiFrontend && npm install && ng build
$ cd ..
$ node server.js

OR: Install the backend dependencies:

$ npm install

Go into the Angular frontend folder and install the front end dependencies:

$ cd rumiFrontend
$ npm install

Build the frontend to the public folder so the backend can run it: (the our directory in the angular-cli.json set to public folder: "outDir": "../public",)

$ ng build

If successful, the folder "public" created. Go back to fullstack_rumi folder and run the server:

$ cd ..
$ node server.js

If all is successful, it should be available at your localhost on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080/).

To use the live server for the front end, cd into rumiFrontend and run ng serve

$ cd rumiFrontend
$ ng serve

The live server is on http://localhost:4200/ Make sure you run the backend at the same time too:(http://localhost:8080/)

$ node server.js

To build the finish product, and run it with the backend: (in the rumiFrontend run ng build, the output folder public will be created for the server to use)

$ ng build
$ cd ..
$ node server

Now test it at localhost:8080