
A Simple Framework for Interacting with Yahoo's Finance API

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Getting a stock price shouldn't be hard. SDStockKit is a simple framework for interacting with Yahoo's Finance API.


Build and run the SimpleStocks Example project in Xcode to see an inventory of the available SDStockKit components.


Sends request and parses response for stock information from Yahoo Finance API. Requires a delegate that adheres to the SDStockManagerDelegate Protocol.

Getting Started

  1. git clone git@github.com:stevederico/SDStockKit.git
  • cd SDStockKit
  • git submodule init
  • git submodule update
  • open .
  • Drag SDStockKit folder into Xcode Project Side Bar
  • Check Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed) & Add to Targets [YOURAPPNAME]
  • Open External Folder then Drag AFNetworking folder into Xcode Project Side Bar
  • Check Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed) & Add to Targets [YOURAPPNAME]
  • Click on [YOURAPPNAME] Project Icon in Sidebar -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
  • Add MobileCoreServices & SystemConfiguration Framework
  • Open [YOURAPPNAME]-Prefix.pch and add #import <SystemConfiguration/SystemConfiguration.h> and #import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>
  • Add #import "SDStockKit.h"

Example Delegate-Based Usage

[[SDStockManager sharedManager] setDelegate:self];
[[SDStockManager sharedManager] stockPriceWithSymbol:@"AAPL"];
[[SDStockManager sharedManager] stockInfoWithSymbol:@"GOOG"];

Example Block-Based Usage

[[SDStockManager sharedManager] stockInfoWithSymbol:@"AAPL" completion:^(NSDictionary *information) {
    NSLog(@"StockInfo-Block: %@",information);
[[SDStockManager sharedManager] stockPriceWithSymbol:@"IBM" completion:^(NSDictionary *information) {
    NSLog(@"StockPrice-Block: %@",information);
NSArray *stocks = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"GOOG",@"AAPL",@"IBM", nil];

[[SDStockManager sharedManager] stockPriceWithSymbols:stocks completion:^(NSDictionary *information) {
    NSLog(@"StockPrice-Array: %@",information);
[[SDStockManager sharedManager] stockInfoWithSymbols:stocks completion:^(NSDictionary *information) {
    NSLog(@"StockInfo-Array: %@",information);

Example Delegate Methods

  NSLog(@"StockInfo-Delegate: %@",stockInfo);

-(void)didRecieveStockPrice:(NSNumber *)stockPrice forSymbol:(NSString*)symbol{
    static NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = nil;
    if (!numberFormatter) {
        numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
        [numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
    NSString *currencyString = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:stockPrice];
    NSLog(@"Stock %@ Price: %@", symbol,currencyString);

Example stockInfoWithSymbol Response (NSDictionary*)

    AfterHoursChangeRealtime = "N/A - N/A";
    AnnualizedGain = "<null>";
    Ask = "584.79";
    AskRealtime = "584.79";
    AverageDailyVolume = 19559700;
    Bid = "583.35";
    BidRealtime = "583.35";
    BookValue = "125.861";
    Change = "-4.75";
    ChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage = "-5.31";
    ChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage = "-26.296";
    ChangeFromYearHigh = "-120.29";
    ChangeFromYearLow = "+207.10";
    ChangePercentRealtime = "N/A - -0.81%";
    ChangeRealtime = "-4.75";
    "Change_PercentChange" = "-4.75 - -0.81%";
    ChangeinPercent = "-0.81%";
    Commission = "<null>";
    DaysHigh = "590.42";
    DaysLow = "580.10";
    DaysRange = "580.10 - 590.42";
    DaysRangeRealtime = "N/A - N/A";
    DaysValueChange = "- - -0.81%";
    DaysValueChangeRealtime = "N/A - N/A";
    DividendPayDate = "Nov 15";
    DividendShare = "5.30";
    DividendYield = "0.90";
    EBITDA = "58.518B";
    EPSEstimateCurrentYear = "49.28";
    EPSEstimateNextQuarter = "12.41";
    EPSEstimateNextYear = "57.95";
    EarningsShare = "44.15";
    ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid = "<null>";
    ExDividendDate = "Nov  7";
    FiftydayMovingAverage = "590.09";
    HighLimit = "<null>";
    HoldingsGain = "<null>";
    HoldingsGainPercent = "- - -";
    HoldingsGainPercentRealtime = "N/A - N/A";
    HoldingsGainRealtime = "<null>";
    HoldingsValue = "<null>";
    HoldingsValueRealtime = "<null>";
    LastTradeDate = "11/27/2012";
    LastTradePriceOnly = "584.78";
    LastTradeRealtimeWithTime = "N/A - <b>584.78</b>";
    LastTradeTime = "4:00pm";
    LastTradeWithTime = "Nov 27 - <b>584.78</b>";
    LowLimit = "<null>";
    MarketCapRealtime = "<null>";
    MarketCapitalization = "550.1B";
    MoreInfo = cnsprmiIed;
    Name = "Apple Inc.";
    Notes = "<null>";
    OneyrTargetPrice = "757.77";
    Open = "589.60";
    OrderBookRealtime = "<null>";
    PEGRatio = "0.58";
    PERatio = "13.35";
    PERatioRealtime = "<null>";
    PercebtChangeFromYearHigh = "-17.06%";
    PercentChange = "-0.81%";
    PercentChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage = "-0.90%";
    PercentChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage = "-4.30%";
    PercentChangeFromYearLow = "+54.83%";
    PreviousClose = "589.53";
    PriceBook = "4.68";
    PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear = "11.96";
    PriceEPSEstimateNextYear = "10.17";
    PricePaid = "<null>";
    PriceSales = "3.54";
    SharesOwned = "<null>";
    ShortRatio = "0.80";
    StockExchange = NasdaqNM;
    Symbol = AAPL;
    TickerTrend = "&nbsp++-===&nbsp";
    TradeDate = "<null>";
    TwoHundreddayMovingAverage = "611.076";
    Volume = 19046922;
    YearHigh = "705.07";
    YearLow = "377.68";
    YearRange = "377.68 - 705.07";
    symbol = AAPL;

Example stockPriceWithSymbol Response (NSNumber*)



  • AFNetworking - A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework


Steve Derico


SDStockKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.