GoWithSprite is a HTML5 CSS Sprite Generator with Retina display support.
To create a sprite, drop your assets in the drop zone (or upload them using the upload form), then click on the button Download Sprite & CSS
It will automatically generate the CSS file and the sprite image file.
If you add Retina version of your images (image name end by @2x), then it will automatically generate a Retina sprite and add a corresponding media query in the CSS.
You can also open the sprite image and CSS in the browser by clicking on Open Sprite & CSS
Documentation is generated using docco.
To generate the documentation run the following command : docco src/*.js src/lib/gws/*.js
To view it, open docs
folder in your browser.
Tests are written using mocha.
To run tests, open the test runner HTML file in your browser. It's located in : spec/runner.html
- If you only add @2x images, CSS and sprite image won't be generated.
- When there are Retina sprites, CSS file opens in a pop-up.
- Write more tests
- Write more docs :) (especially in sprite_canvas.js)
- Add support for single sprite suppression in the dropzone
- Better handling of Retina
- Better name for CSS class
- Add Jake tasks
- Jake Gordon for the bin packing algorithm : http://codeincomplete.com/posts/2011/5/7/bin_packing/