
A C++ Intro to Computer Science Class

Primary LanguageC++


A C++ Intro to Computer Science Class

File Structure

This file structure is setup in a unique and unorthodox way, because I wanted one repository for the entire course which contained many seperate projects. So the way I set this up is that all projects are located in the projects folder, and then get included into the main.cpp file

Each project has a simulated main function which I renamed main only for submission of the project. But for use in this repo each projects main function is usually named after the project file. This function is then called in the main.cpp to simulate an execution and I toggle which programs I want to execute by commenting the function calls out in main.cpp.

(Did not include the cmake debug files because those can be generated on build of the users environment)

Project Listing

  1. Recitation 1 hello_world.cpp
    1. This is a basic hello world program. Simple enough.
  2. Recitation 2 recitation2.cpp
    1. Read integers and print the highest one or that none exist
  3. Recitation 3 recitation3.cpp
    1. Write a C++ program that generates a sequence of 26 random letters, without duplication, one letter per output line.
  4. assignment_one.cpp
    1. The first assignment is a program which has options for 4 commands.
      • perform rot13 substitution.
      • generate a random caesar cipher dictionary
      • encrypt using the caesar cipher
      • decrypt using the caesar cipher