
A fake gambling site similar to DraftKings but with fake money to cure gambling addiction.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Heroku Link: https://famble.herokuapp.com/


An app that allows people to gamble with no negative consequences.

Built With


Jay Rana - jpr48@njit.edu

  • Landing page
  • Bet modal
  • Linting and fixing frontend code
  • Redirection based on login status

Steven Gardiner - spg28@njit.edu

  • Helped setup MongoDB Schema
  • Setup Base Application Structure
  • Setup Persistent User State on Frontend
  • Setup User Routes on Backend
  • Setup Game Routes on Backend

Vivek Sreenivasan - vns9@njit.edu

  • Created User dashboard
  • Wrote wrapper functions to interact with API backend
  • Linted backend/frontend code
  • Researched potential APIs for sports data

Pedro Ramos - par25@njit.edu

  • Set up the MongoDB Schemas
  • Set up Betting API along with the Betting Service
  • Unit testing on the Backend
  • Created the mockups


  • Linebreak-Style: Every time it was fixed, it would somehow get reverted when pulled from Github.
  • Prop-Types: It was not working properly since I could not determine the type of props being passed.
  • No-undef: Browser localstorage was undefined but it was being used to store the login token
  • No-underscore-dangle: '._id' needed to be accessed as userid for mongodb

Getting Started


  • Node (version >= 12)
  • MongoDB


  1. Clone the repo
git clone 
  1. Install the Prerequisites (See Above)
  2. Install npm dependencies from package.json
$ npm install
  1. Run the following on your local machine (Runs on port 3000):
$ npm run dev

Note on Google Login Button

In order for the login to work, follow these steps:

  1. Copy your URL either from Preview your running application or from your Heroku deployment.
  2. Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/<CLIENT_ID>?project=<PROJECT_NAME> (Replace <CLIENT_ID> and <PROJECT_NAME> with what you created in earlier steps)
  3. Under URIs, paste your URL and remove everything after the .com or whatever the end of your domain is.
  4. Click Save

Deploy via Heroku

  1. Sign up for Heroku http://heroku.com/
  2. Install Heroku
npm install -g heroku
  1. Login and create Heroku URL
heroku login -i
heroku create
  1. Push your app to Heroku
git push heroku master
  1. Navigate to your newly-created Heroku site
  2. If you're still having trouble you can check Heroku's logs to see what is going on
heroku logs --tail
  1. If you would like to manage your DB, run the following in your terminal:
heroku pg:psql



Project Link: https://github.com/stevegardiner26/famble

Heroku Link: https://famble.herokuapp.com/