This repository builds a Docker image with a Synthea patient generator and a FHIR uploader that can be used with FHIR servers using Azure Active Directory as the OAuth2 provider. Specifically, when started, the Docker container will:
- Generate the desired number of patients.
- Authenticate with Azure Active Directory to obtain a token.
- Upload patients to FHIR server.
The Azure Active Directory authentication and FHIR server upload is handled by the FhirAADUploader
app, which is a .NET Core command line application.
To generate 100 patients and upload them to a FHIR server with URL
docker run --name synthea --rm -t \
-e AzureAD_ClientSecret='AAD-CLIENT-SECRET' \
-e AzureAD_ClientId='AAD-CLIENT-ID' \
-e AzureAD_Authority='' \
-e AzureAD_Audience='AAD-FHIR-API-APP-ID' -e NUMBER_OF_PATIENTS='100' \
-e FHIR_SERVER_URL='https://my-fhir-server/com/' hansenms/synthegenerator
To build your own version of the Docker image:
docker build -t yourrepo/yourtagname .
You can use an Azure Container Instance to generate and upload the patients. To run this image using the Azure CLI:
az container create --resource-group RgName \
--image hansenms/syntheagenerator --name ContainerInstanceName \
--cpu 2 --memory 4 --restart-policy Never \
-e AzureAD_ClientSecret='CLIENT-SECRET' \
AzureAD_ClientId='CLIENT-ID' \
AzureAD_Authority='' \
AzureAD_Audience='FHIR-SERVER-API-APP' \
There is also a template included in this repository, which you can deploy with PowerShell or Azure CLI. Edit the azuredeploy.parameters.json
to match your setup.
Deploy with PowerShell like this:
$rg = New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name RgName -Location eastus
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name synthdeploy `
-ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName `
-TemplateFile .\azuredeploy.json `
-TemplateParameterFile .\azuredeploy.parameters.json
Or you can deploy with the Azure CLI:
#Create a resource group:
az group create --name ${RGNAME} --location eastus
#Deploy using the template
az group deployment create --resource-group ${RGNAME} \
--template-file ./azuredeploy.json \
--parameters @azuredeploy.parameters.json
You can also deploy through the portal. Simply hit the button below and fill in the details: