
Webservices for CoreNLP and brat

Primary LanguagePython

CoreNLP Server

This project contains:

  1. docker commands for running the Stanford CoreNLP Web Service
  2. docker commands for tunning an API that translates Standford CoreNLP output to brat (see API subfolder)

An effective tagging workflow requires both service to be running.

Stanford CoreNLP Web Service


To start the web service:



You can send wget command using the CoreNLP Api.

An example is contained in the test-json.sh and test-xml.sh bash files.


The corenlp-brat-api accesses this service to create the format needed for brat autotagging.

Docker Check

To see what's running

docker ps

To stop all running containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

To remove and refresh the installation:

docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

To remove the running coreNLP container:

docker stop coreNLP

docker rm coreNLP

To remove the brat image:

docker rmi [-f] coreNLP