
Docker Container for MAVROS

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Container for MAVROS


The purpose of this is to run MAVROS from within Docker


A pre-built Docker image is available on DockerHub at:


To download it, simply:

docker pull radarku/mavros

and to run it:

docker run -it --rm --env FCUURL="tcp://" radarku/mavros

...where the MAVLink stream is at the FCUURL (see Options section below).

Quick Start

To build

If you'd rather build the docker image yourself, checkout the source:

git clone https://github.com/radarku/docker-mavros.git

then go into the directory

cd docker-mavros

and build the docker image

docker build --rm --tag mavros .

To run

Start a SITL using:

docker run -it --rm -p 5760:5760 radarku/ardupilot-sitl

Find the IP address of the machine, then run the MAVROS container:

docker run -it --rm --env FCUURL="tcp://" mavros

where is the IP of the machine running the ardupilot SITL


The MAVROS page specifies the various forms for the FCUURL as:

  • Serial: /path/to/serial/device[:baudrate]
  • Serial: serial:///path/to/serial/device[:baudrate][?ids=sysid,compid]
  • Serial with hardware flow control: serial-hwfc:///path/to/serial/device[:baudrate][?ids=sysid,compid]
  • UDP: udp://[bind_host][:port]@[remote_host[:port]][/?ids=sysid,compid]
  • UDP broadcast until GCS discovery: udp-b://[bind_host][:port]@[:port][/?ids=sysid,compid]
  • UDP broadcast (permanent): udp-pb://[bind_host][:port]@[:port][/?ids=sysid,compid]
  • TCP client: tcp://[server_host][:port][/?ids=sysid,compid]
  • TCP server: tcp-l://[bind_host][:port][/?ids=sysid,compid]