3rd attempt at making a chess playing engine.
- All Perf tests up to ply 9.
- All Etherial tests.
- Minimax and Alpha/Beta pruning.
- Figure out why adjusting the priority for attackers hits performance so much.
- Add undo move to core using a stack.
- Move ordering:
- Moves that don't go onto an attacked square?
- Randomness to break ties?
- Test
From an initial board state.
Ply | Time
1 | < 1 ms
2 | < 1 ms
3 | ~ 10 ms
4 | ~ 100 ms
5 | ~ 500 ms
6 | ~ 1 s
7 | ~ 20 s
8 | ~ 10 m
9 | ~ 5 h
10 | ~ 6 d
- Attack bitboards are indexed
. - Diagonal:
(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)...
. i.e./
. Anti-diagonal(0, 7), (1, 6), (2, 5)...
. i.e.\
. WhiteScore - BlackScore
will be positive if white has more material.- Move score is currently (remember
prefers lower values):(MoveOutcome.CheckMate - outcomes) * 100
(CheckMate == 0, Nothing but a simple move = 6,300).+ (10 - capturedPieceValue) * 10
(higher captured piece values will yield lower scores).+ movedPieceValue
(lower moved piece value is good).- So, effectively
, where:- A is 1 if cell has attackers (To be added - not currently used).
- OO is outcome value.
- C is captured piece value inverted.
- P is player piece value.
a b c d e f g h
Rank 8 | 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Black
7 | 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Black
6 | 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
5 | 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
4 | 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
3 | 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2 | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 White
1 | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 White
(ulong) mmmm_mmmm_mmmm_hhhh_hhhh_kkkk_kkKK_KKKK_bbbb_bbbb_wwww_wwww_eeee_eeep_cccc
- c: Castling rights.
- p: Current player.
- e: En passant cell.
- b: Black score.
- w: White score.
- K: White King cell.
- k: Black king cell.
- h: Halfmove clock.
- m: Fullmove count.
✓ PASS Depth: 1 Combinations: 20 Expected: 20
Capture: 0 ✓
En Passant: 0 ✓
Castle: 0 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 0 ✓
Check Mate: 0 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 2 Combinations: 400 Expected: 400
Capture: 0 ✓
En Passant: 0 ✓
Castle: 0 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 0 ✓
Check Mate: 0 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 3 Combinations: 8,902 Expected: 8,902
Capture: 34 ✓
En Passant: 0 ✓
Castle: 0 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 12 ✓
Check Mate: 0 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 4 Combinations: 197,281 Expected: 197,281
Capture: 1,576 ✓
En Passant: 0 ✓
Castle: 0 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 469 ✓
Check Mate: 8 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 5 Combinations: 4,865,609 Expected: 4,865,609
Capture: 82,719 ✓
En Passant: 258 ✓
Castle: 0 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 27,351 ✓
Check Mate: 347 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 6 Combinations: 119,060,324 Expected: 119,060,324
Capture: 2,812,008 ✓
En Passant: 5,248 ✓
Castle: 0 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 809,099 ✓
Check Mate: 10,828 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 7 Combinations: 3,195,901,860 Expected: 3,195,901,860
Capture: 108,329,926 ✓
En Passant: 319,617 ✓
Castle: 883,453 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 33,103,848 ✓
Check Mate: 435,767 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 8 Combinations: 84,998,978,956 Expected: 84,998,978,956
Capture: 3,523,740,106 ✓
En Passant: 7,187,977 ✓
Castle: 23,605,205 ✓
Promotion: 0 ✓
Check: 968,981,593 ✓
Check Mate: 9,852,036 ✓
✓ PASS Depth: 9 Combinations: 2,439,530,234,167 Expected: 2,439,530,234,167
Capture: 125,208,536,153 ✓
En Passant: 319,496,827 ✓
Castle: 1,784,356,000 ✓
Promotion: 17,334,376 ✓
Check: 36,095,901,903 ✓
Check Mate: 400,191,963 ✓