
This repository is designed to help you learn about Ansible, a powerful automation tool for managing IT infrastructure.

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Learning Ansible

This repository is designed to help you learn about Ansible, a powerful automation tool for managing IT infrastructure.

I share my knowledge and experience with Ansible to help you get started with automation and configuration management. Whether you're new to Ansible or looking to expand your skills, this repository has something for everyone.

Ansible Cover

Table of Contents

  1. Ansible Installation
  2. Ansible Basics
  3. Advanced Ansible
  4. Ansible Tower
  5. Best Practices
  6. Troubleshooting

1. Introduction to Ansible

Ansible is a suite of software tools that enables infrastructure as code. It is open-source and the suite includes software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment functionality.

2. Ansible Installation

Learn how to install Ansible on different operating systems.

3. Ansible Basics

Explore the fundamental concepts of Ansible, including inventory, playbooks, roles, variables, and modules.

3.1 Inventory

An overview of Ansible inventories and how to define hosts and groups.

3.2 Playbooks

Learn how to write Ansible playbooks to define automation tasks.

3.3 Roles

Organize your Ansible code into reusable roles for better manageability.

3.4 Variables

Understand how to use variables in Ansible for dynamic configuration.

3.5 Modules

Explore Ansible modules for managing various aspects of IT infrastructure.

4. Advanced Ansible

Dive deeper into Ansible with advanced topics like dynamic inventory, handlers, conditionals, loops, and templates.

5. Ansible Tower

Discover Ansible Tower, a web-based UI and dashboard for Ansible.

6. Best Practices

Learn best practices for using Ansible in production environments, including security, performance, and scalability.

7. Troubleshooting

Find solutions to common issues and learn how to debug Ansible configurations effectively.

Feel free to explore each section and dive into the world of Ansible automation!

Happy learning!