C Compiler in OCaml
Working from https://norasandler.com/2017/11/29/Write-a-Compiler.html
Stage 1
Lexer, recursive descent parser, and codegen.
Can compile int main() {return 2;}
and not much else.
Stage 2 Unary operators ~, ! and - added.
Stage 3 Binary operators +, -, *, and /, with correct precedence and associativity. Recursive descent is maintained as the parsing method (though Pratt parsing looks like a better bet)
Stage 4 Relational operators: &&, ||, ==, !=, <=, >=, <, >
Stage 5 Variables and assignment.
Stage 6 If statements and ternary (expression) operator.
Stage 7 In progress.
./compile.sh tests/stage_1/valid/newlines.c