
SPEC files and Patches for OpenDKIM Fedora / EPEL RPMs

Primary LanguageShell


This git repo contains:

NOTE: As of 2.10.1-5, the systemd and SystemV versions of this spec file have been combined in the OpenDKIM-Fedora repo, and the OpenDKIM-SysV repo at http://github.com/stevejenkins/OpenDKIM-SysV/ has been abandonded.

CONTRIBUTORS: Please do pull requests in the "develop" branch only. The "master" branch is just for release versions. Thanks!

For official source code and documentation, please visit http://opendkim.org/

For documentation on installing and configuring the Fedora/RHEL packages built using the files in this repo, please visit http://www.stevejenkins.com/blog/2011/08/installing-opendkim-rpm-via-yum-with-postfix-or-sendmail-for-rhel-centos-fedora/

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