
Primary LanguageDartApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Required reading/watching:

  1. Javascript: The Good Parts
  2. Let Over Lambda: Closure-Oriented Programming
  3. A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS Tutorial)
  4. A JavaScript Module Pattern
  5. JavaScript Module Pattern: In-Depth
  6. 16 Javascript Concepts
  7. Douglas Crockford: Advanced Javascript (video)
  8. How do Javascript closures work? (stackoverflow)
  9. ClojureScript 101


  1. Kicking the Tires on AngularDart
  2. Google I/O 2014 - Connecting Cloud and Web: Deploying end-to-end apps with Dart (video)

The code for my Dart language experiments, as I go through some tutorials:

  1. Intro to dart:html
  2. Minor modifications to the todo web app.
  3. Dart stopwatch from dartlang tutorial

Learning Ember:

  1. Fluent 2014, Keynote with Yehuda Katz and Tom Dale
  2. Cross Side Scripting and Cross Site Request Forgery -- MajorBreakfast @ Ember Munich July 2014
  3. Google Doc presentation on React vs. Ember
  4. the changelog #131: The Road to Ember 2.0 with Tom Dale and Yehuda Katz
  5. Creating an Integration Test with Ember.js
  6. Ember Data - Endless frustration -- This post explains why you can't just loop through a hasMany relationship without also setting up the ids on the parent model instance. Good to know!

This is my git repo for my experiments with JavaScript and logging what I've learned and proved to myself. I like unit testing, and I'm interested in seeing how I can wire up JavaScript on the client with an event framework and unit test it on the command-line with Nodejs.