
A provider for koop that can connect to one or more elastic search instances and turn indices/aliases into individual feature services.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Koop Provider for Elastic Search

This provider allow Koop to fetch and transform data from an Elasticsearch instance.


From command line in the folder containing the project run:

npm install @koopjs/provider-elasticsearch --save

In your Koop instance, register the provider like:

  const esProvider = require('@koopjs/provider-elasticsearch')

The latest version of this provider can be installed with the Koop CLI. See the Koop CLI docs for details on setting up a Koop instance and add providers with the CLI.


To suppress KoopJS warnings from the console output, run with an environment variable of KOOP_WARNINGS="suppress". In powershell, this will look like: $env:KOOP_WARNINGS="suppress" ; node main.js

Command Line

npm start

Geohash aggregation

If you use an ElasticSearch Index with a geo_point shape field you can enable geo hash aggregation. This will show up as a separate sub-layer in the feature service.

Basic Config File Structure

The following is a sample configuration file showing most capabilities

  "esConnections": {
    "esNameForServiceURLs": {
      "id": "esNameForServiceURLs",
      "protocol": "http://",
      "port": 9200,
      "hosts": [
      "shapeIndices": {
        "states": {
          "geometryField": "geometry",
          "geometryType": "Polygon",
          "joinField": "NAME"
      "indices": {
        "myService1": {
          "index": "indexName",
          "allowMultiPoint": false,
          "geometryField": "geometry.coordinates",
          "geometryType": "geo_point",
          "returnFields": [
          "dateFields": [
          "idField": "OBJECTID",
          "aggregations": [
            {"name": "geohash"}
          "maxResults": 1000
        "tableService": {
          "index": "indexNoShape",
          "allowMultiPoint": false,
          "isTable": true,
          "returnFields": [
          "dateFields": [
          "maxResults": 1000
        "joinService": {
          "index": "indexToJoin",
          "allowMultiPoint": false,
          "returnFields": [
          "dateFields": [
          "aggregations": [],
          "shapeIndex": {
            "name": "states",
            "joinField": "state.name"
          "maxResults": 1000
        "polyService": {
          "index": "polygonIndex",
          "allowMultiPoint": false,
          "geometryField": "geometry",
          "geometryType": "MultiPolygon",
          "reversePolygons": true,
          "returnFields": [
          "dateFields": [
          "aggregations": [],
          "maxResults": 1000
Configuration Options
  • shapeIndices includes all indices that will be used for their shapes on other services. All fields are mandatory.
  • indices this object has a property for every service to be created. The name of the property will be the service name.

Index Properties

  • index is the name of the ElasticSearch index
  • isTable treat this service as a table, ignoring geometry
  • allowMultiPoint is only important for point services and allows more than one point per feature
  • geometryField is the full location of the geometry
  • geometryType can be geo_point, Point, MultiPoint, Polyline, MultiLineString, Polygon and MultiPolygon
  • reversePolygons if the stored polygons do not follow the right-hand rule setting this to true will fix this. Polygons that do not follow the right-hand rule will not be displayed as feature services without setting this to true.
  • returnFields includes all fields that will be returned by the feature service
  • dateFields includes any return fields that should be treated as dates
  • idField if the index includes a field that can be treated as the OBJECTID field, this should be set
  • aggregations any aggregations to use as sub-layers. Currently only geohash is valid and only for geo_point indices.
  • maxResults the maximum features returned from a single request
  • shapeIndex if the service will join to a shapeIndex for geometry list the name of the index (defined in shapeIndices) and the joinField from this index.

Additional Index Configurations

mapReturnValues is an object that can contain keys that are field names that in turn have their own keys equal to field values mapped to object values. Example below. __defaultmapping is not required.

    "mapReturnValues": {
        "fieldName": {
            "returnedValue1": "mappedValue",
            "__defaultmapping": "defaultValue"


mapFieldNames can be used to specify a different return field than what is specified within returnFields

    "mapFieldNames": {
        "fieldName": "mappedFieldName"