
A wrapper around an AWS SSM send-command that can optionally wait for execution success.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A wrapper around an AWS SSM send-command that can optionally wait for execution success.


Usage on the tool can be found by executing aws-ssm-invoke -h.

$ aws-ssm-invoke -h
usage: aws-ssm-invoke [-h] [--comment COMMENT]
                      (--instance-ids [INSTANCE_IDS [INSTANCE_IDS ...]] | --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]])
                      [--wait] [--show-output]

positional arguments:
  command               The command to execute on all matching EC2 instances

optional xarguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --comment COMMENT
  --instance-ids [INSTANCE_IDS [INSTANCE_IDS ...]]
                        Instance ID's to execute on
  --tags [TAGS [TAGS ...]]
                        Key=Value pairs to execute on
  --wait                When supplied will poll the SSM command until it is
  --show-output         When supplied will show the output from each execution



Using the --wait flag polls for command status until complete and shows the state.

$ aws-ssm-invoke uptime --tags Name=database --wait
Executed command 'uptime' - 486a3994-db41-4817-b741-f374cffec294  (Pending)
   - tag:Name = ['database']
 - Pending (Pending) [0 total, 0 complete, 0 error]
 - Success (NoInstancesInTag) [0 total, 0 complete, 0 error]

Show output

Some commands you want to see the output of, to do so specify the --show-output flag.

$ aws-ssm-invoke uptime --tags Name=database --wait --show-output
Executed command 'uptime' - 0b8deb73-2677-47a6-9167-a0889929d542  (Pending)
   - tag:Business:Application = ['ecommerce']
 - Pending (Pending) [0 total, 0 complete, 0 error]
 - Success (Success) [1 total, 1 complete, 0 error]
Command output
 - [Success] i-0ddf60260170be3c7 (ip-172-31-9-100.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal)
 11:01:23 up 2 days,  5:41,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
