Cornershop's backend integrations test


  • Case 1: Scraping a product department at Walmart Canada's website
  • Case 2: Processing CSV files to extract clean information


  • Run script database_setup


Case 1

For this case it is only necessary to run the python file:

Case 2

For this case it is only necessary to run the following command:

  scrapy crawl ca_walmart


If the following error appears : error_bocked

It is a Bot Protection Page with captcha v2.

For resolving, follow with the following steps:

  1. Enter any link that says Crawled (200) and and in the link is the word blocked, for example:'

  2. You will get a page similar to this: page_bot_protection Solve the captcha v2

  3. At this time, walmart has already saved your browser and you will be able to make inquiries to your product pages, in about 5 to 10 minutes you will be able to make inquiries without problems.

    Check if the browser is the same as the User-Agent variable in the header that is used for product links:: page_bot_protection

    Mozilla has been used by default, so it is recommended that catpcha resolve it in mozilla.

Improvements for the future

  • The issue could be solved with captcha v2 with selenium
  • At this time, a SQlite database is used, but it is recommended that in both cases connect to a database in the cloud.