
Note: Neither this code nor myself are in any way, shape or form associated with the website

This code was inspired by the website's intermittent availability in late 2021.


This software was designed to be modular and consists of four pieces. Two of them are required (fetcher and compiler), while api and publisher are optional.


api provides a REST API to manage the underlying database. It can:

  • Create new compilations
  • Update existing compilations
  • Delete compilations
  • Remove obsolete feeds
  • Provide basic statistics

See the api/ folder for more information/documentation.

As you can manage the database directly, this component is optional but very useful.


The fetcher has a simple job: It obtains copies of all feeds and stores them locally. It updates the feed_status table to keep track of when feeds have been retrieved last.

This component is essential and must be running continually.


The compiler merges the data of multiple feeds into a new, single feed. It reads the feed_status table (previously updated by fetcher) to determine which compilations have new data available and rebuilds them. It writes the result into the local filesystem as a single RSS file.

This component is essential and must be running continually.


To enable a clean separation of frontend and backend, the publisher can be used to upload files generated by compiler to a webserver, CDN or other publicly reachable service. To achieve this, publisher calls a shell script or binary whenever a compilation has been updated by the compiler. If this script/binary returns success (exit code 0), publisher will mark it as successful.

If you are running all components on a single system, this component is not needed.


All components support both MySQL/MariaDB and SQLite as a database backend. You can find the schema for each in the sql/ folder. There are currently no indices but these may be helpful in a big(ger) installation.


A Makefile is provided, so running just make should build all four binaries.


Each component uses a YAML file for its configuration. Examples can be found in the etc/ folder, containing all available settings.