
A Play module for signing outgoing AWS requests.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Play module for signing outgoing AWS requests. WORK IN PROGRESS. PRE-ALPHA.

...that said, it does work with a development "installation" of cerebro if you build it yourself (with sbt package). Drop the jar into the lib directory, and add the following lines to conf/application.conf:

play.modules.disabled += "play.api.libs.ws.ahc.AhcWSModule"
play.modules.enabled += "com.xogroupinc.play.AWSSignerModule"

You can provide creds either explicitly in that same file, using either the keys aws.access.key.id and aws.secret.access.key or the key aws.profile; or it will otherwise follow the default chain of the Java AWS SDK.

TODO: many things, currently most pressingly:

  • Region currently hard-coded to us-east-1, needs to be configurable